
Monday, May 28, 2012

Jose Luis Vega (Chilese)

To our friends and family of Palm Creek:  We have a tragic item to share with you today regarding one of our long-term, loyal employees on the landscaping crew.

From Jim Dawson (Palm Creek Facilities Manager)

It is with a sad and heavy heart that I announce the passing of Jose Luis Vega - one of our long standing and most LOYAL employees.  'Chilese' has worked for our company in one capacity or another since the early 1990s.  Chilese worked on many of our properties but he took a much more significant role at the Pecans of Queen Creek where his pride and work ethic made the Pecans one of the most beautiful and best maintained properties in the valley. 

For the past two years, Chilese has carried on with his fine work and attention to detail at Palm Creek.  This past season, Chilese single handedly planted all the flower beds and all the flower pots.  We have had more comments this past year about how beautiful the flowers were and this is for the most part because of Chilese and his attention to detail. 

Chilese was always in a good mood and always had a smile on his face.  He never complained about a single thing - no matter how difficult the job.  He was one of the most courteous people I have ever met.  After speaking with Chilese nearly everyday for the past 20 years - this will be especially difficult.  Chilese has a wife (Lupe) and 4 children.  Please keep Chilese and the entire Vega family in your prayers.

Jim Dawson