
Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

We enjoyed a DELICIOUS Mother's Day dinner on Sunday.   Helping behind the scenes was half the fun.  Here's Connie Morin, Lou Scherch, Diane Gaines, and Linda Balzan starting the prep work in the morning.  We like to add some gaity and commaraderie along the way.

Diane and Linda discovered a delicious champagne punch recipe. 

The menu included chicken cordon bleu with a light cheese sauce, potatoes, vegetables, dinner rolls, a yummy jello salad AND cheesecake for dessert.  Everything was absolutely superb!

The team of worker bees expanded as serving time drew near.

Meet Angela Kotcher.  Angie is now a full-time employee with the Activities Department working with Ann Lykens.  Angie also works at the front desk this summer.  Her daughter Sienna came to help us with the Mother's Day event.

Here's Linda checking on the chicken to make sure it is the perfect temperature.

I love cheesecake!!

Dinner is ready!  Time to serve it up on the individual plates.  The kitchen staff sets up a very organized and efficient serving line to assure the food is hot and served to a large group in a timely manner.

We never skimp on the pretty table cloths and center pieces.  There was a card and a fresh flower stem for all the Moms.

Guests are starting to arrive.

And now you get to see a bunch of people at tables eating their delicious food.  Zoom in to see the smiling faces and recognize your friends.  The body on the far right of this picture is June Rawlins who leaned back far enough to become headless for this photo. 

This is my good friend Peggy Browne and husband Glen with their son Michael and Grandson who were visiting a few days.  Hi to their daughters Julie and Paige who will be tuning in here to see the photo.  I think they monitor this blog so they can check up on Mom and Dad.

Diane and Linda call themselves Martha and Betty.  Diane takes the role of Martha Stewart as she takes care of set up, decorating, work flow, etc.  Linda is Betty Crocker because she does our cooking and is in charge of the kitchen.  They make a wonderful team and have a fun time getting everything organized.  There are so many details to think about in planning their events.....table cloths, center pieces, plates, menu, kitchen supplies, etc.  Their years of experience really pay off and provide all of us with some fond memories of events and holidays. 
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