
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Tiffin Allegro Rally

From what I hear, we had a very successful rally event for the Tiffin Allegro group.  There were about 150 RVs here.  We salute the rangers, greeters, gate people, activities, special events, etc for all the extra hours you put in to contribute to the success.  Getting all the rigs in and parked was no small task.  The part that makes me so proud of being a resident is the way folks stepped up to volunteer for an event of this size. 

And then there is the kitchen staff that cooked and served all those meals.  The rally attendees I talked with were very impressed with the meals and the fact they were all made here instead of being catered in.  The tables were all set and decorated for each meal.  Nice work folks!  Ya done us proud!! 

Unfortunately, I couldn't be of too much help as I twisted a knee and was laid up for the week but I did manage to hobble up on stage to call bingo for their rally night.  It was fun!  I chatted with the rigs that were parked near our block and was happy to hear how impressed they were with the park.  I believe we'll be seeing quite a few of these folks again next year now that they've discovered our wonderland in the desert.

Don and I sat on our patio yesterday morning and just watched the mass exodus of RVs as they all pulled out.  Later I stopped up by the 4-way stop so I could see them coming from all directions.  With the month end and the rally group leaving, it was quite a parade to watch.

For those of you who are already at your "other home"....I'll send more cactus bloom photos.  The prickly pear are at their finest, the sky is as blue as can be with nary a cloud in sight, temps are in the 80s by day and 60s by night with 16% humidity.  I don't think it could get any nicer no matter how Mother Nature tries.

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