
Saturday, February 18, 2012

Quilt Show

The annual quilt show ranks as one of the top events of the season.  One just can't describe the caring, skill, talent, and thoughtfulness that goes into these sewn masterpieces.  Yes, the ladies create quilts and other items for themselves, families, and friends but so much of their time and talent also goes to needy folks in the community AND around the world.  The first spot inside the door was a beautiful display of hand crafted articles to be donated to the area hospital and newborns.  The little knitted caps and sewn sleepers were just precious and one certainly couldn't find such lovely items in a store.
The next thing we saw was this huge table with over 150 items being raffled off.  You bought tickets at the door and then dropped them into the container by whichever item you wanted to try to win.  Beautiful stuff.

There were racks and displays of the beautiful quilts and blankets. 
Demonstrations of fancy sewing machines and techniques.

Look at the care and detail that went into some of the displays.  It takes a lot of extra work to add finishing touches like this. 

The sewing group created over 150 pillow cases, quilts and fleece blankets plus personal items to the local Against Abuse Shelter.

Little hand crafted dresses and shorts were donated to children in other parts of the world.

Look at the cute little feeties on this sleeper!
And then........the most impressive display of quilts given to our troops.
Congratulations and a hearty salute to all participants.  They can certainly be proud of their true LABOR OF LOVE.

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