
Friday, January 13, 2012

Take me out to the Ball Game!

What a fun time we had out at the softball field Thursday afternoon!!  I believe there are 4 or 5 Palm Creek ball teams this year.  It appears this sport is increasing in popularity with our Creekers!  If you haven’t been out to watch a game yet, you’re missing out on some great fun (AND some delicious hamburgers and cheeseburgers at the Home Plate Grill!!).

I happened to be at the ball field as two Palm Creek teams were playing against each other.  Since these folks all know each other, are good friends,  and have great times together, their competition becomes very entertaining.  It’s funny when someone gets a good hit.  You want to cheer for him…..but you’re hoping your other friend will do well and catch the ball.  Then when they do catch it, you feel bad for the batter who had a great hit.  So you wind up cheering and laughing no matter what happens.  This particular game was a winner for everyone as it ended with a score of 16 1/2 to 16.  What????  How can they have a score of 16 1/2????  There are many “special” rules for senior softball.  Since they do not allow tie games because of time allowances, the home team automatically gets a free 1/2 point.  Thus in a tie, the home team actually gets to record a win. 

Check out the league scores and schedule on their blog.  Go to Palm Creek Blogs then click on Softball Teams.



Fans were doing the wave to cheer on their super heroes.


Bill has been the announcer for as long as I can remember.  His commentaries add to the fun of the event.


Women are not excluded from these teams!  Aggie and Lori do a fantastic job and it is so fun to have them on board.  Here Aggie is on duty as 3rd base coach while Lori is up at bat. 


As I was heading back to the parking lot after the game, I came across this group of characters who made some wise crack about seeing me without a camera in my hand.  SURPRISE!  My camera is never very far away.  I quickly pulled it from my pocket and the guys tried to scatter.  Gaylen hid behind his buddy but I caught him in a second shot and photoshopped him back into view.  Ha Ha Gaylen.

guys copy