
Monday, December 05, 2011

Take a “Virtual Tour”

tour blog

Betty Scofield wanted to help her good friend and neighbor to sell their park model. After looking through the long printed list of lots for resale, Betty sensed the difficulty to sort the list by the type of home the potential buyers desired. With Betty’s background in the Real Estate business ( 20+ years as a Real Estate Broker plus a background in Sales & Marketing) she knew that buyers were trying to sift through that long list for just homes on the golf course, or just homes in the pet section, or just homes in a certain price range, etc. etc.

After some pensive thought and conversing with Wendell Johnson, she came up with the idea of being able to sort the list of sales by category plus put photos on line so potential buyers could take a look inside each home before making a visitation appointment. Adding to the dilemma is the fact that many homes are rented for the season so it means entering while renters are in place. A virtual tour will allow buyers to see the home on line without that personal interruption unless they were seriously considering the site.

With the help of her good friend, Penny Morgan, Betty has made that idea come to life by creating a website called:

You will see the signs in front of some homes as sellers jump on the band wagon to get their home listed in Betty’s program. Visit the website to take a virtual tour, read all the specs, and even be able to print out a flyer containing all the information requested of a potential buyer.

Here is a sample of the letter interested sellers will receive:   (Remember to use your Control Key and the + key to enlarge print.  Use Control and –  to reduce.  Use Control and 0 to return to normal.)

Virtual Letter

This is a sample of the kind of flyer Betty will provide to the seller and it will be downloadable from the website for potential buyers.

Virtual Flyer

Thank you, Betty, for providing a helpful tool for both sellers and buyers!