
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Second Half Arrives

Friday, November 18, the second half of the sewing room moves into the park.  It was again a very successful and smooth entrance as the truck maneuvered through the north gate and wound its way down Oasis Drive.  Now the two units are parked near the softball field awaiting the next phase of installation.  I believe the final destination will be the current lot behind the ballroom and craft rooms where the big white tent used to reside.  The addition of an enlarged sewing center will not only benefit the 200+ sewers and quilters…..but will give the rest of us more meeting space.  Thank you, Palm Creek Management, for providing more space for us to play.





This is the same driver that delivered the first load.  He looks so young to have that kind of experience.  Of course, I call anyone under 50 young these days.  Here he’s pulling in those wide reaching mirrors.


That’s Roger (better known as Yogie) giving him the “all clear” signal.


And again we make our way down Oasis.


Silently awaiting the next move and phase of construction.



*Note to all readers:

I chatted with a few folks this past week who said they hadn’t looked at the blog for a while because they’re so busy with fun outdoor activities……so I thought I could put the blog to rest for the season.  Then this morning after posting this about the sewing room, I paused to take a look at my blog statistics page.  Yipe!!  It is only 9:00 this morning and there have already been 179 hits.  You folks are really early risers!  With that much activity, I guess I’ll keep on posting….but if you get some nice photos of events that I don’t attend, be sure to send them my way.

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