
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Planting Season

It appears that our FIVE month heat wave is finally dissipating.  We not only had the 33 days of over 110 degrees this summer, we’ve also had one of the warmest months of October with temps nearing 100 almost daily.  FINALLY the weatherman says we’ll cool down to our normal fantastic 80s.  That’s when our Arizona sunshine and blue skies are at their best!  As this low pressure system of cooler temps arrives, we even had some ‘rain’ yesterday.  I think we counted 14 drops that actually made it to the ground.  The rest just evaporates before it hits the ground (technically called virga) but it did give us a pretty rainbow around happy hour.

Cooler weather means planting season!!  Jim Dawson and his crew have the gardens well under way.  They look gorgeous!!  Lillie Corbet and Natalie Aaron have been helping Jim with the early planting.  I heard that we have some very aggressive and athletic rabbits as they’ve learned to hop up on those bales to munch on that sweet lettuce!  New fences have now been installed since having to replant the lettuce twice already.  Congratulations to everyone who contributed to the construction and planting.  The beds look great. 

gardens blog

gardens blog

gardens blog

gardens blog

gardens blog

AND….the flower beds are being tilled and prepared for planting too!


I love watching the flowers come in by the truck load.  I’ll have to get more pictures ….. but the Fort McDowell casino bus departs at 9:00 this morning so you readers will have to wait till I return.  Sorry about that.  Wish me luck today!

Be sure to read this posting on the pickleball blog regarding the new courts.  Future Plans

P.S.  If you get some nice photos or have a cute story to share about life in our paradise resort, please send them my way.    If you don’t know how to email photos, be sure to come to the computer club meetings starting November 9 at 9:30 a.m. in the San Tan Room.
