
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Getting Ready for YOU

We’re still hitting triple digits daily, but at least it now cools down into the low 70s at night so our mornings are fresh and wonderful.  It is time to have that morning cup of coffee out on the patio in the cool fresh air.  Love it!!  If you see us out there at any time, stop by to say hello.


While out on daily rounds, we saw Ralph Cooper on the softball field getting things ready for the upcoming season.  Ralph is very dedicated to the softball league(s) and works diligently to prepare and maintain the field for play.  Here he was edging the grassy area.  If any of you have never been to one of the softball games here, you are really missing some fun.  I love to watch the bantering and camaraderie among the players and fans.  AND….make sure you come for one of those delicious and famous hamburgers at “The Home Plate” refreshment stand.  Come cheer for your favorite team!  Someone from that group will be posting their schedule on the softball blog as soon as season starts so you can tune in there for information.  Palm Creek Softball


We called him over for a quick chat.

ballfield Ralph

Just for grins, here is a photo I took of one of the teams in 2010.  Maybe you’ll recognize someone?

softball team 003


All summer long, our crews take loving care of the grass in the lawn bowling court.  It takes special machines and expertise to keep the grass so perfect. Each mowing is done from a different angle.   I thought lawn bowling must be a simple game of just rolling a round ball across the grass……………….until I took a couple lessons and learned about the weighted balls and how they curve.  Try it out this season.  It’s really fun.  

lawn blog


WOW…..those of us in the garden club will be excited to see the new garden beds.  Think of all the goodies we can grow this winter!  Crews are busy tilling up the beds and preparing the soil.  We enjoyed some awesome fresh garden salads last season!!

gardens blog

Thank you, Pedro, for your help with the project!

blog garden


I understand the modules for the new sewing room are scheduled to arrive in the next week or two.  I’ll try to be there during installation with camera in hand.  This building will be located where the big white tent used to stand….in the paved area where we hold the craft fairs.  Maybe I can talk someone from the sewing group to put up a blog and show off all the projects their groups accomplish.  They do some fantastic needlework and turn out some beautiful works of art.  PLUS they do so many projects for the community.


I’ve been spending some volunteer time up in the Activities Office as we wade through the volume of ticket orders that have been sent in for the upcoming season.  If you haven’t already contacted your friends and figured out which events you want to attend, I recommend you do so.  Ticket sales are a HUGE project to accommodate as many special requests as possible.  Speaking from my experience with the project, it is best if one person buys tickets for the group so it is easier for you to be seated with your friends.

Here is another link to the ticket list that was published in the last newsletter.  Ticket Sales  


I guess that’s all my news for today.  According to my house watch list, we have MANY people returning in October.  See ya soon!