
Thursday, September 29, 2011


The latest issue of Smart Computing magazine arrived yesterday so thought I’d share this great tip with you.

Daily Tip:
Quickly Enter A URL In IE
When you manually enter a URL in Internet Explorer (IE), it can be a hassle to use your mouse to select the address bar, highlight the URL, and delete the current Web address. To expedite the process, press F6 on your keyboard and your cursor will automatically move to and highlight the current URL in the IE address bar. Because highlighted text is automatically deleted if other text is entered, you can simply type your new URL in the IE address bar.

computer-clip-artShow off that helpful hint to your friends and impress them!


We saw the RC airplanes buzzing around at the airfield this morning so stopped by to say good morning.  Jerry McDonald, Jim, and Richard were enjoying and sharing their avid hobby.  Jerry was flying his “watermelon” plane.


Jim was mumbling and laughing at himself for forgetting to bring the battery for this big plane he wanted to fly.


Jim doesn’t drive just a “car”.  He drives an aircraft carrier!!!! Surprised smile  Look at all those toys!


Richard was busy explaining the planes and the flying club to a potential new member.


While we were out in that area, we noticed that Jim Dawson has been BUSY with the gardens.  He even has them planted already!!!



After our chores, we hurried over to Chick-Fil-A for our weekly free breakfast.  The place was crowded with fellow Creekers!  It has really turned into a fun event on Thursday mornings.  We’ll all have to remember to return the owner’s kindness by patronizing his restaurant as often as we can this season.  Don Fillipi said he was disappointed in me because I didn’t have my camera in hand.

   kitten laughing  Ha Ha Don……………the joke is on YOU! My smart phone takes pictures too!!

Don blog


I have two other photos I’d like to share with you readers.  This first one Don took this morning.  I thought it was unique with the long shadows of the palm trees……and even nicer because a bunny rabbit stopped to pose.  The “shadows” idea would make a great subject for the photo club next season.

pybus 716

This last photo is a favorite of mine because it really shows the results from the tenacious mud storm we had on July 5.  This is the side of Bud and Donna Keay’s shed at Site 728.  That storm was just unbelievable.

keay 728

Okay………….that’s my post for today.  Thanks for stopping by!  (Don’t forget to comment in the guestbook at the top of the page.)


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Another Day

I receive a lot of cute emails from folks and found this one quite appropriate for me and my computer friends.


Simply because I care about you & in my continual

thought for my fellow computer friends,

I offer you...

Neck Exercises to do at the computer



I’ve always been fascinated by watching big tractors and field equipment.  Watching an experienced driver is fun and reminds me of kids with tonka toys.  They’re now digging a hole for another house at the end of Oasis…Site 1910 I believe. 


Just for fun, I took a short video of this one in action.  Click on this link:  Tonka Toys in Action

You can see how they keep spraying water to try to keep down the dust.


The golf course is seeded now and will soon be that beautiful green velvet of new growth………….that is if the birds don’t eat all the seed before it can sprout.  We get a charge out of watching big flocks of feathered friends munching away.  We’ve even seen a good number of quail running around on the course but it’s pretty hard to get a picture but at least you can see the sprinklers in action.  (Hole #14)



I see they’re planting more shrubs up near the front entrance.  Faustino always seems to be the one in charge of planting…..and he always has a smile and a friendly wave even when so hard at work.




More big Tonka toys at work on Full Moon Lane.  We had to stop to find out for sure what he was doing.  Fernando was hard at work leveling out some RV sites so they wouldn’t be at such a steep slant. 

blog leveling

blog leveling

Monday, September 26, 2011


I said in the last posting that there were two overnight buses lined up for the Fort McDowell casino.  I stand corrected.  At this point, there is only one trip scheduled and that is on January 5.  Sorry for misprint.

What a beautiful morning today!  We enjoyed our coffee on the patio at a cool pleasant 70 degrees.  It was awesome!

Not a lot to report on from this morning’s tour.  Typical construction trucks at all the new park models and village homes.  Landscape and maintenance crews out and about their daily chores.  People out walking their dogs, out for a morning walk, playing pickleball, playing tennis, golfers are golfing, AND I saw some guys out pitching horseshoes.  Cooler weather brings more activity. 


Even the doggie parks are getting new grass.



We drive by the clubhouse every day to watch for activity for the new sewing room but so far haven’t seen anything happening.  I’ll save this photo as a “before” shot.

blog before module

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Reseeding the Golf Course

The focus is definitely on the golf course this week.  They’re finishing up the monstrous job of reseeding.  We’ve been through the flying dust as the grass gets shorn to its lowest level.  Pallets of seed and fertilizer were seen throughout the park this past week. 

Every sand trap has to be covered with plastic to prevent seeds from blowing in.  Once seeded, they spread manure not only as fertilizer but it also serves to hold the seed in place so it doesn’t blow away.  (I’m going to guess it would discourage the birds from feasting on the seed as well. Confused smile)

golf course blog

Spreading the manure requires hard labor!  Every shovelful gets thrown and spread by hand.  (Ohhhh…to be that physically fit once again.)

golf course blog

golf course blog

golf course blog

golf course blog


Don and I have commented numerous times about how fast the crews get the new houses parked and put together.  We’re watching the new one going up on 1909 on Oasis since it belongs to a good friend. 

Blount blog

We had some questions so stopped to chat with the crew yesterday….and the man we stopped just happens to be John Blount of Blount Construction.  He said this is their second year here in the park and he started to list the many other places where they’ve installed modular homes.  Very nice man and it was really interesting to talk with him.  Say hi to John.

Blount blog


Ann Lykens up in the Activities Department has really been busy this year lining up some new and special events for us.  In addition to the seven bus trips to Fort McDowell, she has lined an overnight trip there as well.  The trip costs $15 which includes the overnight stay, 2 free complimentary beverages (per person), a coupon for complimentary breakfast at the Cottonwood CafĂ©, and complimentary shuttle from the hotel to the casino.  I’m guessing the rooms will be for double occupancy.  Sounds like a fun time.  The trip is scheduled for January 5 so get your tickets early as seating is limited to one bus load.

And another reminder…..order your season event tickets early!


Here is a link to the Phoenix Mart that will be located in Casa Grande.  You may want to check this site occasionally to check on their progress.   Phoenix Mart

Just look at the architectural drawings and try to imagine how BIG this place will be.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Getting Ready for YOU

We’re still hitting triple digits daily, but at least it now cools down into the low 70s at night so our mornings are fresh and wonderful.  It is time to have that morning cup of coffee out on the patio in the cool fresh air.  Love it!!  If you see us out there at any time, stop by to say hello.


While out on daily rounds, we saw Ralph Cooper on the softball field getting things ready for the upcoming season.  Ralph is very dedicated to the softball league(s) and works diligently to prepare and maintain the field for play.  Here he was edging the grassy area.  If any of you have never been to one of the softball games here, you are really missing some fun.  I love to watch the bantering and camaraderie among the players and fans.  AND….make sure you come for one of those delicious and famous hamburgers at “The Home Plate” refreshment stand.  Come cheer for your favorite team!  Someone from that group will be posting their schedule on the softball blog as soon as season starts so you can tune in there for information.  Palm Creek Softball


We called him over for a quick chat.

ballfield Ralph

Just for grins, here is a photo I took of one of the teams in 2010.  Maybe you’ll recognize someone?

softball team 003


All summer long, our crews take loving care of the grass in the lawn bowling court.  It takes special machines and expertise to keep the grass so perfect. Each mowing is done from a different angle.   I thought lawn bowling must be a simple game of just rolling a round ball across the grass……………….until I took a couple lessons and learned about the weighted balls and how they curve.  Try it out this season.  It’s really fun.  

lawn blog


WOW…..those of us in the garden club will be excited to see the new garden beds.  Think of all the goodies we can grow this winter!  Crews are busy tilling up the beds and preparing the soil.  We enjoyed some awesome fresh garden salads last season!!

gardens blog

Thank you, Pedro, for your help with the project!

blog garden


I understand the modules for the new sewing room are scheduled to arrive in the next week or two.  I’ll try to be there during installation with camera in hand.  This building will be located where the big white tent used to stand….in the paved area where we hold the craft fairs.  Maybe I can talk someone from the sewing group to put up a blog and show off all the projects their groups accomplish.  They do some fantastic needlework and turn out some beautiful works of art.  PLUS they do so many projects for the community.


I’ve been spending some volunteer time up in the Activities Office as we wade through the volume of ticket orders that have been sent in for the upcoming season.  If you haven’t already contacted your friends and figured out which events you want to attend, I recommend you do so.  Ticket sales are a HUGE project to accommodate as many special requests as possible.  Speaking from my experience with the project, it is best if one person buys tickets for the group so it is easier for you to be seated with your friends.

Here is another link to the ticket list that was published in the last newsletter.  Ticket Sales  


I guess that’s all my news for today.  According to my house watch list, we have MANY people returning in October.  See ya soon!

Monday, September 19, 2011

End of Summer

I am just amazed at how often this cactus in front of 1703 has bloomed this year.  Two more blossoms popped out overnight for viewing this morning and I’ll never tire of photographing them.

jacobson blog

jacobson blog

Speaking of flowers and plants…………I was over visiting with Lou Schurr this morning and spotted this unusual palm tree.  It is called a ponytail palm.  It has real long curly leaves….awesome!

Lou blog

We spotted a little “WHOOPS” as we were out on our rounds this morning.  I haven’t heard the details of who, when, or how…..but it will add to the never ending list of repairs.

blog  Ouch!!


I’m guessing that there had to be damage to whatever vehicle turned too short on that corner!

Speaking of EXPENSIVE repairs……………we were certainly sad to hear that Well #2 on the Palm Creek property will need very extensive repair.  They have to pull up all the pipe (600-800) feet to fix the problem.  There’s not enough room over at the well station so they’ve had to knock out a wall to get the big machinery in there.  Then the pipe will have to be moved over to the softball parking area to be descaled, and then moved back again.  Mr. Dawson certainly hopes it can be repaired quickly as it is sorely needed for reseeding the golf course.  (this station is located in the corner lot between 416 and 417)  I’ll try to get more photos as work progresses.

well blog

well blog

There are lots of new park models and village homes moving in these days.  We happened to be present when the first half of 1328 was being parked.  Thought you might enjoy a series of photos as it was moved into place.  It’s amazing to watch as these drivers have to be extremely precise.  Not much room to maneuver.  He even had to pull in his rearview mirrors to make it past a palm tree.  Fun to watch…..and I highly compliment their skills. 

Two days later the whole street is completed with new homes.


Our weather is finally taming down.  We still hit low triple digits almost daily, but the evenings and mornings are lovely in the 70s or 80s.  What a relief!!  I heard from some friends in Minnesota and Wisconsin who said they’ve already had their first frost so our park will be filling up soon as folks head for warmer climates….before the snows start to fall.  We don’t see many rigs yet, but we can see more activity at the park model homes as people return and start to clean up the dirt and dust that is waiting for them.  Mr. Maldonado is busy!


If you want phone numbers for power wash services or maid cleaning services, let me know and I can forward the phone numbers for you……or you can look at the vendor listing on the Palm Creek website.  I’ll post some links here to help you surf your way.

Palm Creek Resort General site for the resort

Palm Creek Rules & Regulations (listed under ‘community’ at the bottom of the front page)

Approved Vendor Listing (alphabetical list of approved vendors) Get a printed list sorted by category from Activities.

Calendars of Events, Activities, and Sports (three separate calendars to show all the events & activities during season)

Palm Creek Newsletters & Ad Corner (check here at the beginning of each month for the current news)

2011-2012 Events (the summer 2011 newsletter lists events for upcoming season) You can use a page from this pdf document to order your tickets.

Park Models for Sale click on one of the three categories listed to see ‘new’ homes or ‘resale’ homes in pet or non-pet areas

To navigate through the list of homes and read about each one, click on the ‘pause’ button ll (two vertical lines at bottom of photos). When you move your mouse cursor over the photo, a description of the unit will appear. To resume or move to the next home, click the arrow button to continue play.

City Website - Casa Grande

Casa Grande Chamber of Commerce


Palm Creek Golf – You will soon be able to book tee times on line. Watch for the announcement.

Dave White Municipal Golf Course

Robson Ranch Golf

Mission Royale Golf

Grande Valley Golf