
Monday, August 15, 2011

Palm Tree Down

Down came the poor dead palm tree that was hit by lightning a few weeks ago.  The amazing structure of a palm tree becomes evident when you see how fibrous it is inside rather than consisting of the concentric circles like a regular hardwood tree.  The trunk also contains an amazing amount of water as witnessed by two of the photos below where you can see water dripping from the trunk as it is lifted away and by the large puddle it left on the street.  (Click on ‘view slide show’ to see each photo)


I hope I can next catch some photos of putting in a new tree!


Speaking of trees….here is a ‘before’ and an ‘after’ of the trimming process as seen from my front door.

pre trim blogBefore


Speaking of trees:  We discovered all these holes in the palms by #9 pond.  Looks like Gila woodpecker holes.  Since palms are softer and more fibrous than normal trees, no one can hear the familiar rat-a-tat-tat of the drilling…but the holes remain.  The woodpeckers like to drill the holes in hopes that insects will move in and they’ll thus be building a ready food source.  Supposedly this doesn’t harm the palm tree.  I tried to research on google too.

woodpecker blog

Paul 1039 blog woodpecker

woodpecker blog



Pickleball Addicts

Saw all these cars at the pickleball courts this morning as visitors from around the area come to play on our courts with our resident pickle gang.  The sport is definitely addictive and lots of fun. 

pickleball blog