
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lightning Strike!

Hey…..we ‘almost’ got some rain last night.  Not a drop fell but the wind (and dirt) blew and we heard some rumbling thunder in the distance.  Then BANG!   We heard a LOUD crack of thunder.  Don and I went outside but couldn’t see anything.  There was only that one bang and then just wind and rumbling in the distance.  On our rounds this morning, we found where that loud BANG came from.  Lightning hit the palm tree located between Sites 9 and 10.  Lots of folks were gathering there to see the damage. 

lightning blog

lightning blog

lightning blog

I’m so surprised with a direct hit like that that the tree didn’t splinter apart!  A ‘real’ tree usually explodes when hit by lightning but a palm tree really belongs to the grass family so that must make the difference.  Folks said the fire department was here too.

lightning blog 9 carmichael 

Suk and Corry Cookingham were at the scene when we arrived this morning.

Suk Correy blog

Gary Lambert (Palm Creek’s Office Manager) drove by and said Good Morning!

gary lambert blog

A little later we met up with Bob Debonville (sp?) as he was cruising around in his fancy new golf cart.  That machine can take off like a rabbit!

bob blog

This energetic young man from Edkins Construction is preparing the site for some pavers alongside the driveway at Site 1439.  Try to imagine running a jack hammer and shovel in this 100+ heat!   Edkins has done quite a few jobs in here already building sheds, patios, etc.  He said they are finally catching up with their projects so if you are going to make an expansion, this might be a good time to contact them.  480-861-0909


We like to stop to say Good Morning to the landscape crews as they work around the park.  They’re really making an effort to attack the weeds this year!!  We will all benefit from their hard labor as we enjoy the pretty park this coming season.  Be sure to say Thank You and give them a friendly wave when you come back.

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crew blog

crew blog

Those who know Ken Reese will be pleased to see him in good health and back at work on his front flower bed.  Ken is forever working on one project or another.

Reese blog

Speaking of WORKAHOLICS, here is Bob Herinck.  When he isn’t out working on housewatch business, he volunteers in the mailroom or at many of the other odd volunteer jobs around the park.  He is also an avid go-getter for raising funds for the Cancer Society. 

bob blog

Looks like gardening season is over for the summer.  No more tomatoes.  Thank you to Jim Dawson and crew for a GREAT project!!  We really appreciated the fresh produce.

gardens blog

Painting projects continue in the front administration buildings.  I never took a close look up at that high dome ceiling in the Sales Office before.  WOW.  Glad we called in the professionals for this one!

paint blog

paint blog

paint blog

Okay.  Morning chores and rounds were done so we headed to the showers and then to Chick-Fil-A for our weekly FREE breakfast!

I noticed the cute sponge rubber added to the door handles to protect us from the hot sun.

chick blog

Once inside the building, it turns into a welcoming party of Palm Creekers!  Say Good Morning to everyone!




Even the ladies from our Housekeeping staff came in!  Good to see you here!


chick blog

We want to thank Travis and his team for the great hospitality and good food.  I know many of us make it a point to stop in at other times to give them the business and repay their kindness and generosity. 

Then Popkorn came up with a “great idea” for a blog photo!  Thanks a lot, Popkorn!!


blog Yes.  That’s ME.  emoticon-wave-goodbye_01

On the way home, we snapped a quick photo of the new Chevron gas station that is being built next to the Holiday Inn Express on Florence Blvd.

chevron blog

It has already been a fun and interesting day and it is only 11:00 a.m.  Life is GOOD!
