
Wednesday, July 06, 2011

The Day After

It is 10:45 a.m. and the sun is shining once again after being blotted out by the dust yesterday.  The horizons are still brown and murky but we’re all scraping away the layers of dirt from our homes. 

We are fortunate in that there wasn’t a lot of major damage around the park.  Only one house (#906) really suffered.  Their metal awning peeled loose from the house and flew across the street so hard that it severed the palm tree across the road and bent the light pole.

906 roof damage

906 roof damage

906 roof damage

906 roof damage


Other damage we saw was minimal.  To my house watch customers……if you haven’t received an email from me by now, your house is safe and secure without damage.  The skirting around many homes was blown out but siding and awnings were quite secure.

Daniel 1574 1574

Pybus 716  716

688  688

1011   1011

945   945

We stopped and chatted with other summer residents who were here to ride it out and we consoled each other as we scraped away the dirt on our patios. 

Loren Loren

Poor Derrick and Iris are just moving into their new village home at 1251 so had a lot of belongings tucked under their awning.  What a mess to clean up!  I teased Derrick about his motorcycle and told him that normally riders keep their machines sparkling and shiny. 



And then there are our hard working maintenance workers who try their best to keep the swimming pools clean!  They have to stop about every 10 minutes to clean out the filters because they plug up with the mud so quickly.  You can see every stroke where they have cleaned.  That is not a shadow you see….that is MUD.



If any of you readers need a handyman to make skirting repairs, give Steve Endsley a call.  He does a fantastic job with a $40 minimum.  I can highly recommend him.  Tell him Sue sent you.   Steve Endsley:

Steve Endsley
Endsley Handyman Service
Professional work at a REASONABLE price!
Cell Phone: 520-414-3322

Steve Endsley

P.S.  Don’t forget to leave a comment on my “guestbook” at the top of this page.  Other folks love reading your comments and hearing about where you are now.