
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Memorial Day

We celebrated Memorial Day with a nice luncheon here in the park with about 80 people present.  We had grilled pork steak, baked beans, a delicious potato salad, and scrumptious cake with strawberries for dessert.  Yum.  We observed a moment of silence and thoughtful prayer for our troops and the freedom they have provided for us.  Diane asked all veterans to stand so we could acknowledge them and thank them for their service.  It is always so surprising to see how many of our residents are veterans.  Thank you to one and all.

Memorial Dinner

I needed another dentist appointment so BJ Rasmussen and I headed down to Algodones yesterday to see Dr. Ramos.  Highway 8 is finally finished all the way to Yuma and we were happy to see the absence of all the orange construction barrels.  Now it’s clear smooth driving all the way.  If you haven’t been to Algodones for a while, be prepared to see a change for the better.  Many of the old buildings are being torn down and replaced with new medical facilities…..dentists, eye doctors, physicians, etc.  The crafts and trinket booths are being moved a few blocks back farther.  My dentist, Dr. Ramos, whom I highly recommend has a brand new building with all modern up to date equipment.  Now I can easily make my appointments via email.  I love it!  I got a consultation, full thorough cleaning, and an x-ray for $40. 


Today’s Casa Grande Dispatch has a big article about healthcare in Mexico.  I thought the timing was perfect since my recent visit so scanned it for you.  Hope you can read it okay.  Click on the photo to make it larger and then use “Control” + to make the print larger.  “Control” – reduced the print size.  Then hit your back button to return to the blog.





There is a HUGE solar energy facility being built just west of Gila Bend!  Acre upon acre has been leveled and prepped for installation of the solar panels.  Its just amazing to see the size of this project. 


Frito Lay has a nice sized plant just west of Casa Grande.  Next time you drive past there, be sure to check out their solar energy system.  They’ve put solar panels over all the employee parking spots plus several acres of solar panels west of the plant. 


We saw another village home (1312) being fitted with solar panels this morning.  Looks like they install a large electrical panel in the back of the lot.  I’ll have to get a closer look next time.  Didn’t want to get in the way this morning as they were very busy.

Solar 1312

Solar 1312


Oh…..and thank you all for commenting in my new guestbook.  How fun to read where everyone is located during these summer months.  Log in again at any time and you can comment on anything I post….plus people can answer back or friends can say hello to you.  If this continues to work so well, I’ll cough up the money and pay to get rid of the annoying advertising.