
Monday, June 13, 2011

Making the best of it


The above article appeared on the front page of this Manitoba newspaper last week.  Mother Nature has been hard on many folks and hasn’t spared those of us that vacation at Palm Creek.   Alex and Annamaria (Site 1439) decided to take a break from their flooded farm land and spend a week in some sunshine for a change.  They stayed in Manitoba to help neighbors sandbag their homes to protect them from flooding and then they packed their bags and came to their vacation home in sunny Arizona to get away for a while.  Normally they would be out planting crops and taking care of their farm but with current weather conditions, they’re not able to get in the fields for quite a while yet or perhaps not at all this growing season.  We wish them well.  Give them a warm handshake when you see them back in the park this fall.  Their spirits may have been a bit “dampened” but they’re still smiling and have a positive attitude. 

Penterits 1439


I can’t blame them for wanting to come back to Palm Creek for a quick visit.  The oleanders are back in bloom and are doing well after they survived a hard frost last winter.

oleander trees blog 1767

sprinklers blog

I almost jumped out of the golf cart and ran into the sprinklers this morning on our rounds.  Doesn’t it look inviting??  Next time Don may not be sitting next to me holding me back.


AHA!!  Finally got close enough to one of those cute quails to get a picture.  I think they can run as fast as a road runner!  We spotted this one over near Site 417 this morning.  It is a tad blurry but a great action shot!

quail blog

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