
Thursday, May 05, 2011

Another Day

1543 Greenwood

Young cactus from Site 1543 – Jack and Donna Greenwood

More and more of the cactus plants are starting to show their flowers.  This young plant at Site 1543 is really showing off its colors!  Very pretty.  I’ve been emailing photos to Jack and Donna so they could see the little fellow in bloom but thought I’d post it here to brighten everyone’s day.  Temps are forecasted to be in the 90s continuing through this weekend but dropping to the 80s again by Tuesday.  That’s fine because we still have wonderfully cool evenings in the 50s and 60s.  These bright sunny COOL mornings are fantastic.  Don and I take full advantage of them each morning with that fresh cup of coffee on the patio to start the day. 


After our daily housewatch duties, Don likes to head up to the pool room with friends to take advantage of those new pool tables.  He says the tables are really great but the guys are just sick and heartbroken over the damage done to one of the new tables.  A young boy was found in the pool room unescorted.  He probably didn’t mean to do harm, but he put a whole bunch of marks on the new felt table covering.  I don’t know if they’ll show up well on a photo but it’s a sad story.

pool table      pool room

Now back to happier stories:  The May Happenings newsletter was printed this week.  Connie Morin and I volunteered to be “stuffers” and place copies in all the open mailboxes.  It was an interesting project and it also somewhat reveals how many people are still in the park.  If a mailbox is still open, it means folks are receiving their mail here so “theoretically” they’re in the park.  We stuffed about 325-350 boxes so “theoretically” there are approximately 600-650 people here.  That’s quite a change from just a month ago!  If you look closely at these photos, you can see where small blocks of wood are placed in a box when the resident leaves.  That way staff knows that the box is closed and no mail should be inserted. 

Connie mail room     sue mail room

Here is a salute and a thank you to all the folks who work and volunteer in the mail room.  Congratulations to Linda Balzan and her staff of devoted elves who handle the bags and bags of incoming mail.  It is a HUGE task to get it all sorted and figure out who is staying, who already left, who forwards their mail, etc etc.  Flo Fillipi has been handling mail forwarding labels for many a year and does her best to get the mail sent off to the right address. 

Linda mail room     Flo mail room

Here are our May activities we’re looking forward to enjoying! 

Image (3)     Image (4)