
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Today’s News

      Hey….Palm Creek made the news today with a quote from our General Manager, Wendell Johnson.  The article appeared in the Arizona Republic and talked about how well all the area RV parks and resorts had done this season.  I quote:

“Wendell Johnson, general manager of Palm Creek Golf and RV Resort in Casa Grande, said that his numbers have been up as well and that he, too, has noticed an influx of Canadians.

"We have 1,862 spaces and were fully occupied for five or six weeks," he said. "We had a great year."

Johnson estimated that Canadians made up 35 percent of his visitors this year.

"We've noticed that more of them are coming from eastern Canada rather than going to Florida, where they traditionally went," he said.”

If you’re interested in the entire article, you can click on this link:

The cactus are starting to bloom all around the park.  Anyone who planted this particular variety of prickly pear are now enjoying the beautiful purple flowers.

IMG_2068        IMG_2069The petals are soft and waxy to the touch.  The waxy part is to protect the blossom from drying out too rapidly.  They certainly are pretty.


     Thank you to all of you who responded to my request for feedback about the size of the print and the photos.  It was unanimous in that everyone liked this bigger font and picture size so I guess I’ll stay with the new Windows Live Writer.