Good Golly, Batman, are we ever going to have a bountiful harvest of tomatoes! We were up at the gardens for our weekly Thursday session and were awed by the number of tomatoes on our plants. Yahoo!! I tried to get a close up to show how many tomatoes are on each plant….then back up and see how many beds are like that. Makes my mouth water to think of a fresh garden tomato. Artichokes and our one row of corn are faring well also.

It is always sad to see the flowers go at the end of the season.
I take a photo every year because it makes such a surprising difference to see the “before” and “after”.
The front entrance certainly looks different without the colorful blast of flowers and the big Welcome Back sign to greet us.
But never fear…..Yogi is still here!
Thank you, Roger, for your dedication to the park. It is always nice to have you or your crew waiting at the gate with a friendly hello.