
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

    happyeasterSign     EasterBunnyJumping



We certainly have a different view from our patio these days!  It is quite a switch from having an RV or 5th wheel in every site to seeing the wide open spaces now.  In some ways it is sad as we see friends leave….but in some ways it feels good to have some free quiet time once again.  There are still plenty of people here enjoying the beautiful April weather but IMG_2261many folks are packing suitcases and getting ready to head out next week.  I certainly hope everyone makes it to their destination safely!  The national weather report shows some very nasty weather in the Midwestern states. 


There were over 200 tickets sold for today’s delicious Easter dinner and the ballroom looked festive for the occasion.  Easter is a fun time for decorations as we had colored Easter eggs on the table along with good old-fashioned peeps, jelly beans, and we each got a cute chocolate bunny.  bunnies copyWe were greeted by the usual cheery staff of special event hostesses donning their “ears of cheer”. 


Diane was at the mic to wish us Easter greetings before we indulged in our dinner of ham, potatoes, green beans, rolls, and a delicious golden fruit salad.  I stand in awe over the kitchen magicians who can create all those great tasting foods in that small kitchen and manage to get it all plated and served while still hot and fresh.  It’s amazing!  Congratulations and thank you to them all for their hard work.      IMG_2258


A couple of my fellow Garden Club members gave me some more photos of the garden so thought I’d thank them by posting them here.  Thank you Verna and Jeanette.