
Friday, November 05, 2010

That time of year

It’s that time of year when the palm trees get their annual holiday glow of lights.  I watched these gents at work this morning stringing lights on the tall trees near the club house.  The man up the tree wraps the string around the trunk while the guy down below walks around and around and around.    It was fun to watch.

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I also noticed the potted plants on display in front of “palm park” across from the club house.  I hear that we’re going to have a “lease a pot of flowers” program this season.  Details haven’t been announced yet but the pots look great and there are a lot of them waiting to be filled.  Full details will be announced and on display at the Welcome Back Party on November 14.  Be sure to mark your calendars for 11:30 to 1:30 on that Sunday.  This is one of my favorite events of the year.  You can browse from one table to the next to hear about all the fun events and activities Palm Creek has to offer.  Stop by to visit me.  I’ll be at the Computer Club table.

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We have a new club/program starting in Activities this season.  Now in addition to the regular computer club, someone is starting up a users group specifically for Macintosh/Apple.  The group will be meeting on Thursdays at 1:00 in the Sonoran Room.  If you have an Apple computer, you may want to join them. 

See you at the Welcome Back party!