
Thursday, October 21, 2010


The front nine of the golf course is open for play and play they will.  The grass looks a bit tender as the course is a full week earlier than normal but we must keep the golfers active and happy.  They should be pleased with the new sand traps, absence of pesky trees, fresh grass, etc. 
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 blog 002 The road entrance to the park was freshly paved and striped this week.  The new road surface really looks nice!!  We had some wonderful rain last night so there are a few puddles in my pictures, but you can see how nice the road looks.
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The area in front of the game rooms (SanTan, Adobe, etc) is now striped off for golf carts and handicapped parking.
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The pull through area for the over nighters now has numbered sites which will make it easier for the rangers getting folks settled into the right place.  It is very surprising to see how many overnighters come into the park every night.  Hopefully, they’ll like what they see and come back for a longer stay.
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While I was out in the brisk morning air today checking on houses and looking for interesting pictures for this blog, I came across a friendly group of folks over on Oasis.  They were gathered around a big puddle that had formed on the street and claimed they now had lake front property.  Bev Ridout was peeking through her new window and enjoying the view.  Lorne said it is Bev’s new hideaway and she’s not allowed out anymore.  Say Howdy to these friendly folks and let them know you saw them on the blog! 
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Cooper Painting got some more business here in the park after doing our home for us.  I saw them hard at work at site 1334 and again they have done a beautiful job.  Remember them if you need your house painted….inside or out.
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Work in progress.  From pale blue to a beautiful latte brown.  Nice work!

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There are more new village homes going in across from 1301.  I took these photos yesterday.  It is fun to watch how they can assemble the two parts of a house and make it all come together.
blog 011 Among all the folks at work around the park, there is a lone dedicated fella by the name of Ralph Cooper who has been hard at work out on the softball field.  Ralph has put in a lot of hours out there grading, pruning, and watching over the field.  I’m already looking forward to the upcoming ballgames and those delicious hamburgers!!  To Ralph:  “On behalf of the spectators and fellow ball players, we salute you for all your hard work!”
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That’s all for today folks as I have chores and housework calling me so I can go out and play after while.
P.S.  Thank you to the folks at Site 1118 for their awesome Halloween decoration which I’m using at the top of the blog.
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