
Friday, October 08, 2010

Busy Days

The storms are past, the sky is blue, temps are below triple digits, folks are returning in herds, the park is buzzing with activity.  LIFE IS GOOD!!!
As stated in my last entry, the severe storms all missed us and hit up north near the Flagstaff area.  We had a few downed trees around town and a power outage out by Abbott Labs west on Cottonwood, but nothing around here was damaged.  We were just very thankful for the wonderful rain!  The front nine is so pretty with the fresh tender grass.  We joke that we can hear it squeak as it rapidly pops up out of the earth.
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The rain was awesome and badly needed.  Refreshing!!housewatch blog 003
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The park has done sooooooo much work this summer!  Now the carpets in all the buildings are being cleaned, windows washed, lights repaired, and all the little things necessary to make the place spic and span for your return.  Even new carpet in the Activities Room.
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Ann Lykens (Activities Director) is really busy lining up our entertainment.
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Marilyn Goeken is back!  She’s the lady that makes sure we all get fed so well during season.  Thank you, Marilyn! paint blog housewatch 016AND….water volleyball is already underway.  Hurry back and join in the fun.
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Say “Hi” to Jerry and Marian.  Caught them in the hot tub this morning.
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I shall close with one final safety warning:
beer can spots