
Tuesday, September 07, 2010


heat 001
From Sunday’s paper.  Need I say more?  We figure about another month and we’ll get some cooler temps come October. April, May and October are my very favorite months in Arizona.   We “almost” had a haboob (monsoon storm) this afternoon.  There was dirt in the air, a gusty breeze, and about 30 seconds of rain……then it cleared up again.  And I’m not exaggerating that either.  It wasn’t a measurable amount of rain except for the big blobs of mud left on the car.  <sigh>
There’s still lots of maintenance activity in the park.  Trim Trim Trim.  I think every tree and shrub in the park is getting a dandy haircut this year just for you.
Eddie from the maintenance crew drew the task to repair and clean/paint every one of the tree spotlights (and there are a lot of them in the park!).  I’m sure we don’t think about all the labor involved….we just see the beautiful results.  I was teasing Eddie about “drawing the short straw” to get stuck with that job because it is so laborious and in the full sun.  He soon sent me away.  LOLEddie The big tent cover by the north pool started to disintegrate in the Arizona sunshine so was sent out for repair.  That’s no small task!
housewatch 021 Here’s a crew putting it back up again.
blog 009 Anton and I were out doing housewatch chores when lo and behold….look what we met coming down the street.  Another new house.  We followed to see where it was going and got to watch the driver back in to park on the site.  He did an awesome job and was in perfectly on the first try.
blog 010 blog 011 blog 012It is now safely tucked in at Site 1473.  I don’t know if it is purchased or a spec home.  It looks quite similar to the new one sitting at site 1572.
blog 013 There’s more activity up by the village homes too.  There are already four new homes on the last street….sites 1252-1257 but we saw more prep work being done today.
blog 004 Busy busy busy.  The excitement mounts as we anticipate your return.