
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

More from Bill

The landscape crew wanted to thank Bill for his dedication and help with the “hydration station” during the hot dusty work days so surprised him with a birthday cake and luncheon.
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After lunch it’s back to work.  Pictures show the progress, but you must realize that all this work is being done in triple digit temperatures….and some days over 110!  That’s HOT.  In fact, they had to take the hoods off some of the mowers to prevent them from over heating.
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Every tree gets a haircut!  Before----
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and After---
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Remember those two annoying pine trees to the left of #8 that all the golfers complained about??

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   Well, they’re history now. 
    Thank you, Fernando.


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   A bulldozer made short work of the root ball.

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  Now to clean up the mess and plant the grass.

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  The sites across the street from #8 were smothered with debris so Fernando & crew grabbed the blowers and cleaned up the majority of the mess.

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The golf course isn’t the only place being renovated.  The lawn bowling court is undergoing improvement as well.  The wood around the perimeter is being replaced this summer…..and, of course, the grass is scalped and will be reseeded.
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