
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Employee & Volunteer Luncheon

Linda Balzan outdid herself yesterday when she prepared the food for the Employee/Volunteer luncheon!!  We had a tuna/noodle salad and chicken salad wraps.  The secret to those wraps—raspberry chipotle!!  Not being a cook myself (Don does ALL the cooking at our house) I wouldn’t know a raspberry chipotle if it walked in the door….but the wraps tasted fantastic and Linda said that was the secret ingredient.  (I don’t even know how to spell that word…but that’s what spell check gave me.)

Again I have a collection of photos with people at tables eating which I was afraid would be boring but I’ve heard from so many readers that enjoy seeing familiar faces so will continue to post them here.luncheon 009


First a THANK YOU to Linda and her loyal kitchen staff.




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I wish I would have had time to interview Will’s new crew of maintenance staff.  They’ve been very busy this summer!



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Here are folks from the golf course and landscape staff.  They have a never ending job of keeping our park beautiful.  A great deal of time was spent trimming and cleaning all the trees, shrubs, and plants on the outside perimeter of the wall this summer.  It was a huge undertaking and they did a fantastic job. (All 2+ miles of it!)  Be sure to check it out when you return this fall.  It all looks fresh, clean, and new.  It was no easy chore in the HOT temperatures we’ve had!!!!

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The good looking gent at far right is our fearless leader….Wendell Johnson (General Manager of the resort).  Hats off to you, Wendell, for doing such a great job & handling the HUGE responsibility on your shoulders.


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Seated at left is Dora—head of our housekeeping unit. Dora and staff play a vital part in keeping our resort in top shape!



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Kathy, Valerie, and Gary Lambert make up our front desk work force.  It is a monumental task to keep everything organized up front!


The remaining guests play important roles as well.  It may be volunteering at special events, working in the mail room, kitchen help, rangering, proshop, bingo, decorating luminary bags, library work, hostessing, or any number of other jobs that benefit the park.  Thank you one and all for making our life here so pleasant.

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