
Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Changing the appearance of the blog has been FUN.  At least I’m getting good feedback from readers and I always enjoying seeing a flood of messages in my email inbox.  So far the votes are exactly TIED as to your preference.  Some say the new brown format is easier to read and others like the older version saying it has more personality.  I’m going to wait another week or so for more votes and comments to come in before I make a decision.  Speak up now or just live with whatever I come up with.
I’ve had several recurring questions from readers this week so will randomly answer them here rather than writing all those separate emails. 
1.  Owls.  Our owls that nest across the street from our main gate entrance are doing just fine.  They can be seen any early morning or early evening which means they’re smart enough to stay under cover during the heat of the day.  The big yellow construction signs are down which means the nursing home that was scheduled on that lot has disappeared for now probably due to the economy.  I haven’t seen or heard any other news on that subject.
The owls on the north side of the wall are still present also.  One or two can frequently be seen roosting on the over hang of the house on site 1160.
2.  Fire.  There has been no further development in the investigation of the fire that occurred in the storage area… least nothing that I’ve heard about.  An ad ran in the newspaper offering a reward for information but that’s the last I officially heard.   My personal opinion:  That night was prom night in Casa Grande so I’m venturing a guess that it was a car load of juveniles out on a malicious vandalism adventure.  Nothing was stolen from the rigs prior to the fire which leads one to believe the vandalism theory.  The vandals never gave a thought to the heartache and problems and expense that their evening of excitement caused.  Again that is MY opinion based on stories I’ve heard.  I probably shouldn’t even post it here, but folks keep asking….so that’s my response.
3.  Is the hotel by the south wall open yet?  No, not yet but soon will be.  It is a Holiday Inn Express. 
4.  Computer tips.  I was quite surprised at the number of readers who benefited from the tip about increasing the size of font on their computer!  If you folks are interested in learning more tips like that, be sure to attend our Computer Club meetings this fall…starting November 3 at 9:30 in the San Tan Room.  We’re going to try to cater to all levels of computer users….from beginners to more advanced so stop in each Wednesday and/or watch the board in the activities office to see what the next program will feature.
Today’s tip:  To get immediate access to your desktop regardless of how many windows you have open at the time, just press the “windows” key and D.  The windows key is that cute little key at the lower left of your key pad next to the control key…..the one you probably never used before.   Hold down the Window key and press D to get to the desktop. 
5.  Weather.  No change in our weather….just hot every day.  Some days hotter than others.  A few promising clouds pass by but no significant rain or storms have descended. 
6.  How many people are here?  The only way to answer that question is by interviewing the folks who work in the mail room.  They tell me we have about 190 open mail boxes.  That means there could be as many as 350 or more people that live here year round.  Folks come and go all summer….a week or a month at a time to visit family or get out of the heat for a while.  Why don’t we see more at the summer activities??  I don’t have an answer for that one…..I just know they’re missing out on some fun and great camaraderie. 
I think that answers most of the questions I routinely receive.  Keep sending me those emails so I know what you like seeing posted here. 
email friends