
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Flag Day

Whoops…..I did a bad thing yesterday.  I went to the Flag Day hot dog dinner without my camera.  Dang!  I hate it when that happens.  Sorry I don’t have a photo to share with you.  Sometimes I think it’s boring to see these dinners because it’s just pictures of people sitting around tables…..but then I hear from someone who got a laugh out of seeing themselves on the blog or says they heard from a relative or friend who spotted them in a photo.  Guess I’ll just make the camera a permanent part of my attire.

The guys cranked up the grill and cooked us some delicious hot dogs yesterday to celebrate “Old Glory” and give us another opportunity to mingle with friends.  Of course, the tables were loaded with delicious salads and awesome desserts that people brought with them.  Now we’re nagging Diane to get some kind of a recipe collection started.

Today is the first day of the OFFICIAL monsoon season!  June 15 has been designated as the day but our sky is still crystal blue with no sign of any rain or storms in the forecast.  We’ve been a LONG time without any sign or hint of rain.  Oh yes….and our humidity was all the way up to 14% yesterday.  I LOVE this DRY heat.  My sympathies to those of you suffering in muggy humidity. 

After the hot dog dinner, some of us headed out to the pool for water volleyball while others gathered in the card room for Texas Hold’em games.  Life is good.

mouse sipping