
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sam’s Club Cometh

I stopped in at Wal-Mart yesterday to pick up a couple items.  As I entered the door, there was a young lady at a table with a sign saying we could sign up for Sam’s Club memberships ($40) and receive a $20 gift certificate that could be used at either Sam’s Club or Wal-Mart.  I asked her if Sam’s Club was officially coming to town.  When and where???  Her answers:  Yes, they are planning to build in Casa Grande within the next 18 months “somewhere” near the mall.  That’s all the information she said she has at this time.  I haven’t seen any announcements on the Casa Grande construction website yet, but this should be pretty good evidence that we’ll soon have a mega discount store in town.  Yahoo!

****Uh Oh…..After posting this announcement, I received an email from a reader who said the Casa Grande City Council agenda for their upcoming meeting stated the discussion on Sam’s Club location has been tabled.  Someone…somewhere has postponed further progress.  Dang!


This morning at 8:30 we were treated to a delicious breakfast buffet up at the clubhouse all for the lowly price of $1 and it was great!  We had omelets, juice, and coffee….plus all were asked to bring donuts or fresh fruit or a favorite breakfast casserole.  Delicious food for all!!!