
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch

cHow many times have you driven past the Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch on Highway 10 and wondered what there was to see there…but kept driving by without a stop???  We’ve done that many a time but today we made it a field trip to go with a group of friends and feed the wildlife.  WHAT FUN!!!!
A $5 per person entry fee includes a can of food pellets and a small container of nectar.  The pellets are fed to the ostriches….carefully…as the birds are eager for the treats and tend to grab quite aggressively.  It was fascinating to get up close and personal with these huge critters.  They can easily reach 6 feet tall in height.
ostrich farm 004ostrich farm 006Isn’t he a handsome devil with those big eyes and long lashes?? 
After spending time with the feathered guys, we hand fed the ever so gentle deer and donkeys.
ostrich farm 032To most of us, the greatest thrill was entering the bird compound and feeding the Lorakeets.  We each had a small container of nectar and were told to just hold it out and let the birds find us.  Find us they did!  The birds are absolutely beautiful, friendly, and fun.
ostrich farm 042We certainly managed to get some close up photos!
ostrich farm 043   ostrich farm 055ostrich farm 045  ostrich farm 062 ostrich farm 067 We made several trips back to the concession stand for more nectar and when that ran out, I guess even our earrings looked appetizing.  It was impossible not to smile as these beautiful birds graced us with their presence. 
I took photos of some of the information signs that I thought were interesting.  I hope you’re able to read all the interesting facts.
ostrich farm 073 ostrich farm 074 ostrich farm 071Of course there was a small souvenir stand as well.  You could buy beautifully hand painted eggs…or start from scratch with one of your own.  And yes….fresh eggs were also available for your breakfast table.  One ostrich egg is the equivalent of 24 chicken eggs.
ostrich farm 072  It was truly a fun event and I’m betting we go back again next season.