
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dispatch Follow Up Story

Golly Gee… blog has made the newspapers!  How about that!  Today’s Casa Grande Dispatch had a bigger article about the fire and somehow they got wind of my blog and actually copied my story plus listed the blog site.  It will be interesting to watch my counter spin to see how many hits there are in the next few days.

I’m really glad they quoted the part about the wonderful response from the fire department.  Those folks really deserve credit for the incredible job they did in controlling the blaze and keeping it confined to such a small area considering the number of rigs that were parked close by. 

I didn’t print anything about the park model that was “destroyed” since I didn’t know for sure the extent of the damage.  From what I could see outside of the police tape was just some charred pieces of wood on the floor through an open door.  There was a new village home sitting out in the storage area and that’s the one that sustained some damage.  Can’t see anything on the outside so I doubt it was really “destroyed” as noted in the paper….but it truly does lead one to believe that the whole incident was caused by vandals/arsonists.  Here’s the full scoop from today’s paper. 

Dispatch 001 Dispatch 004

Dispatch 002 

Dispatch 003