
Thursday, December 17, 2009

More Activity

I would put this blog "on vacation" for the season except for the fact that so many people keep asking for updates and I don't want to lose my avid readers. Life at Palm Creek during season requires a bigger calendar and a sharper pencil to write in all the activities that are occurring.

This week 56 casino fans hopped on the bus to Fort McDowell again for our monthly trip. We arrive in time for breakfast, have time to hit the slots for a while, and then head to the wonderful smoke free bingo hall. It only costs $35 to get a machine and a few cards for dobbing but the jackpots are nice and big. It's a fun day for us plus we always enjoy the entertainment provided by our gracious bus hostess....Marilyn. Thanks again, Marilyn. If you would like to go on one of these excursions, be sure to sign up early as the bus definitely fills up. I registered yesterday for the January 19 trip and there were already 30+ people signed up.

Someday I'll have to ask Marilyn for her last name. That's another quirky thing about Palm Creek. I probably know hundreds of people here by now as many return year after year......but it's amazing how many I only know by their first name. I age....I become even more grateful for Palm Creek's rule about wearing name tags. When memory fails upon seeing a familiar face, it is sooooo nice to glance at the name tag for assistance. My son teases me about being forgetful and directionally challenged so says I should write my site number on the name tag so I'm sure to find my way back home again. Bless his young heart and sharp mind.

I'm so excited about joining the Computer Club this year. Now that I'm only working part time, I can finally get involved in more activities. We've had two meetings so far this season and thanks to the direction of our President Peggy Fetzer, we have had some fun and informative sessions. I volunteered to maintain the blog for the computer club and will work at keeping it updated with our projects and classes. The members are a great cross section of talented people. We have everyone from the raw beginners to folks who have used computers for years. There is ALWAYS something new to learn about a computer so please come join us. We meet on Wednesdays at 9:30 in the San Tan room. (No need to bring a computer). See the link on the right side of this page to get to the computer club blog.

There isn't a formal "club" or scheduled activity for my other hobby, but there is certainly enough to keep me happily entertained. There are many of us "beaders" at Palm Creek who enjoy getting together for classes or just fun times to share our hobbies. We have two wonderfully talented instructors that give classes as well. If you're interested in more information or would like to get started, send me an email and I'll put you in touch with either Sharon Marchant or BJ Rasmussen. We also make occasional trips to Ruthie's Gingerbread House downtown behind Wendy's Restaurant as Ruthie gives classes numerous times during the week.

Okay...between the computer club blog, this blog, and answering my email, it's time to get ready to scurry down to the baseball field and cheer for the good folks on the Palm Creek softball team. I love to watch them play and have a good time. PLUS the hard working folks in the concession stand serve up some awesome hamburgers.