
Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Good Morning Readers,'s 56 degrees this morning so I'm sitting inside for morning coffee until the sun gets up to warm us back to our normal 80+ temps. I actually slept with a blanket last night and turned off the ceiling fan. The cool temps feel great after our scorching summer....but I guess my blood is still thin.

Our winter visitors are returning in droves now so activity has certainly increased. My calendar is getting crowded with all the fun stuff being scheduled. Love it! I figured with so many people returning that the blog would become idle but when I checked in this morning, I found there were 380 hits this past week. Yipe. That means folks have been checking in and I'm not writing.

Attached is a copy of a flyer that came in our mailboxes this week. The front 9 is so pretty with the new green grass and the lawn bowling area is gorgeous. It always looks so fresh and immaculate with the way it gets mowed.

I had to laugh with our neighbor, Don Blair, this week. Carrie wanted a shepherd's hook in the yard so she could hang a hummingbird feeder. Ha!! Have you ever tried to dig a hole in this desert ground?? We loaned Don a foot long concrete drill bit for the project. It is no easy task!

And.....I've heard the saying several times already that if there is such a thing as reincarnation, it would be nice to come back as a pet at Palm Creek. We do love our little furry pets! Benny here is getting up in years and has a heart murmur so doesn't get around much on his own but certainly enjoys his daily stroller walk with Mom Lana.

Community rumor has it that the Room Store is going to open a location here in the old Wal-Mart building on Florence Blvd. Ashley Furniture has also recently opened a store here.

Asbestos Cancer
Asbestos Cancer