
Friday, September 04, 2009

Another Boring Weather Report

September marks the end of the official "monsoon season" in Arizona. This year the "monsoon" seemed non-existant. We only had two events that I would consider "storms". The first one I documented for you with my first ever video clip (I didn't say anything about professional quality) and the second was just yesterday. We had some dirt and wind last night but not of the strength that lured me out with camera in hand. We were hoping for some rain but had to be satisfied with a superb lightning show. Somewhere...someone...must have gotten precious rain, but it wasn't here. We did have a 13 minute drenching rain one night last week but in total, we've had less than one inch of rain so far this year. Even with the aftermath of the Baja hurricane headed our way, the forecast still only calls for 30% chance of isolated thunderstorms. I hope one finds Casa Grande.