
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bingo at Evas Restaurant

If you haven't been to Eva's Restaurant on Pinal Avenue yet, you must make it a point to do so. The place is absolutely gorgeous. Perhaps these photos will whet your curiosity. Betty Peterson is the new Marketing Director for Evas. You may recognize her as the same lady who hosts the Shopping Bash at Dillards. This was the first attempt at a Bingo party. For $12 we were treated to an all you can eat Nacho bar with all the trimmings and an entertaining hour or so of bingo for some casual prizes from Sephora and Dillards. With a few needed revisions, this kind of event could be a lot of fun this coming season.
Our bingo party was held in one of the banquet rooms.

Here's a few familiar faces from Palm Creek. I thought it was nice of Diane and her crew to show support for Evas and attend the event. was Sandi Feller's birthday celebration! Happy Birthday, Sandi. (Diane Gaines, Linda Balzan, Rosemary Reese, Sandi Feller)

The bar room is really nicely decorated and these vases adorn the foyer near the front doors. I could fill a whole page with nice photos....but we'll save the rest until you visit the place.

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