
Monday, June 29, 2009


We had a fun time at Bingo tonight! Thank you to Diane Gaines for providing free popcorn and soda. Thank you to Flo Fillipi and Linda Berry for organizing the event and doing all the set up and book work. Thank you to Lauren for doing the calling.

Sandy Clark was a strong winner tonight as she got to yell Bingo THREE times. Her whole table was lucky cause Popkorn won twice and Mike Kirsch bingoed as well. One time Sandy even bingoed twice on the same card plus she got to split the pot for the big coverall game at the end. Way to go, Sandy. Maybe she should run out and buy a lottery ticket this week.

It was still 96 degrees when we left the ballroom around 9:00 so our warm temps are definitely here. No more open windows at night and no more coffee on the patio in the early morn. Oh well......I'll still take a hot summer over a freezing icy winter so I'm not complaining.

Here's a photo of the winning table. That's Sandy on the far right with the big smile

I stood on stage and made everyone salute a "dobbers up" for a quick photo.