
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Celebration

We had a lovely Memorial Day picnic/party and I found it surprising to see so many in attendance. Folks must be staying here longer this year. Most everyone was decked out in red, white, and blue along with the decorations making things quite festive.

Sandi Feller was our emcee hostess for the day (filling in for Diane Gaines) confirming the grapevine news posted earlier. Sandi will be Diane's assistant, Ann Lykens (sp?) will move into Alice's position as Activities Director. I think the threesome will make a great team to keep us active and organized next season!

Special "thank you" to Alice Herinck for her past dedication as Activities Director. Three cheers to Alice & fond hopes for fun-filled retirement.

Festivities started with Mike Kirsch leading us in the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Jane Mikesell read a great poem she had written to honor all veterans which was very touching and most appropriate for this event. Thank you, Jane, for sharing your poetic talent.

This was a potluck dinner with the park providing hamburgers, all the condiments, beverages, and table service. These potlucks are fantastic! So much GOOD food!!

I took quite a few photos to share on the blog, but (duh) had the camera on the wrong setting for a large room so many didn't turn out. Sorry. I did get a good picture of some of the "colorful" characters in the crowd. Aren't they cute??

Jim & Diane Reese

Steve & Sandy

Jim & Carol Gairo

Bob & Bev Carte
Lots of good food and good friends!