
Sunday, May 24, 2009


Whew! Don't let anyone tell you that watching park model homes is an easy way to make some cash! Don and I made our monthly rounds this morning and were truly ready to hit the showers upon our return. We started early in the morning to beat the heat, but it's still a hot job. Don tours the outside and turns on the water while I go inside the home to flush all the drains, refill water buckets, etc. We then check to make sure the AC is working, refrigerator is running (if left on), no sign of insects or uninvited guests, some request we check air filters and golf carts, etc. We check all windows and doors, then lock up, turn off the water, and go to the next house. We have a good routine now which makes the job easier.

The part I really enjoy is the follow up to send emails to each homeowner and confirm that we have "done our duty" and checked their home as promised. We haven't had any storms or strong winds lately so this monthly check is important. I still go for a leisurely evening or morning ride now and then in the golf cart or my bike and go past each home which is really more than promised, but it makes me feel good to know that we're watching as much as possible.

I like to take my camera along to record anything of interest along the route. We frequently find a nest of baby doves tucked away in a flower pot, light fixture, or a cozy spot on someone's patio. I know the birds are a pest because of the mess they leave behind, but they are still cute and are definitely devoted to procreation of their species.

This mama dove is claiming squatters rights at Sandy and Dan's house at 1270. We could walk right up to her and she wouldn't budge. Sorry Sandy, but we didn't have the heart to chase her away.

This mama found a lovely decorative spot on the back porch by Marilyn Howiseys at 1725. I'm afraid the geranium has died, however, as we couldn't very well drown the nest by watering. Marilyn will just have to get another plant when she returns this fall.
This little cactus was so pretty that I just had to Kodak the moment as they say. I emailed it to Janet and Gary Miller (Site 1867) so they could enjoy it. Janet wrote back that she'd never seen the plant in bloom and thought it just stood there. The blossoms are gorgeous.

Mary Lessard (1866) planted a new grapefruit tree this season and was excited that it had little small fruits starting when she left. So each time we visit her house, we take a photo so she can monitor the progress. It should be fun to see the final photo before she returns.

The housewatch operation has been very rewarding as we've met long-term park residents that we never had occasion to socialize with before. It gives us a project that we work on together which is important in these quieter summer months. I say "quieter" but we still manage to stay quite busy with all the fun events the park has planned for us.