
Monday, October 01, 2007

The season begins.

Today is the first day of the 2007-08 season here at Palm Creek. There are quite a few rigs trickling in and there are more lights on at night in the park models. Don had three full tables of players at their Texas Hold Em game. The pickle ball courts are busy in the mornings and I see some new doggies walking their owners down the streets. The landscape crews are hard at work overseeding the golf course nad pruning trees and shrubs. Quite a bit of activity after a long hot summer.

JC Penney’s opened its doors this weekend along with Kohls. Found some great bargains at their first day opening. Target should be opening soon along with several other of the stores. It’s really exciting to have that kind of shopping right here in Casa Grande. If you’ve been away all summer, you’ll really be amazed when you see the Promenade Mall area at the 194 exit. It’s awesome! Need a part time job to earn some extra Christmas bucks?? ALL the stores will be hiring for the holiday season.

The weather has finally dropped below triple digits and the nights are finally cool. I actually had to turn on the hot water heater for the first time in weeks. Yahoo!!