
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

We're over 110.

The temps crept up over 110 for the last two days and….yes, it’s hot. It is 7:45 pm and I just came back from doing my volunteer work up at the library. We sure receive lots of nice books in the donation pile each week…..great authors, new releases, major titles, etc. Curling up in a nice cool spot with a good book is a great way to escape from the summer heat.

Every night about this time, the puppy run is the place to be. The folks with the small dogs seem to gather there about this time of evening to visit and let the four-footed critters run and get some exercise. To name a few people I chatted with tonight: BJ Rasmussen, Will and Barb Utley with the two miniature pincers, Linda and her new poodle puppy, Bill Wrightson with Cookie and Lily, Nancy and her boisterous white Amy….and a couple other folks I can’t name. They seem to have a nice social hour with their furry friends.

Congratulations go to Will Utley who is now our new Maintenance Manager for the park. Will’s position allows Chuck to move up to Facilities Manager. Our park is growing and so are their responsibilities. It’s good to know we have strength in those two positions.

That’s my only news for now. I still go up to the pool several nights a week in time to watch the sunset. By day I enjoy my job at the print shop. The longer I work there, the more I like it. It’s practically a full time job now which is just fine since the days are too warm to spend outside anyway. More later.