
Friday, July 26, 2024

August Menu

 Here's our Food Menu for the month of August:

Sorry it is not the best format but should be readable.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Monsoon Storm

 Sunday night, July 14, we had a typical summer monsoon.  It was quite unexpected and not forecasted until late in the afternoon.  The wind started to pick up and then suddenly....."thar she blows".  A number of us summer dwellers grabbed our cameras phones and had fun trying to capture some photos.

Don and "our boys" were stationed at the kitchen window to watch the action.

We took a quick video.  Watch closely as the debris blows down the street.  It is sweeping up all the palm "snow" and knocking down a lot of the brown bark from the palms.  This morning at 5:45 I already saw our landscape crew out picking up the bark and probably surveying for any wind damage.  It really wasn't much of a storm so I doubt there's any damage anywhere.

Avis Gray usually gets some good photos as the storms approach as she is located over on the south east side where most storms come from. 

Another viewer sent this one.  Photo came via text so I don't have a name to give credit.

When we use the term "monsoon" storm, you would think it would mean some rain as well.  It rained but hardly got the street wet.  Just enough to turn all this dust into clinging mud.  <sigh>

Today marks two weeks post surgery for my knee.  Now it should finally start feeling better.  Thank goodness Scooter is here to keep me entertained.  We watch TV together.

and if he can manage to open a cupboard or drawer, he helps by cleaning it out. 😒

Friday, July 12, 2024

Hello Again

 I wonder what percentage of you blog readers have survived at least one knee replacement.  It seems when you sit around a card table, a good number of people have experienced the surgery.  Those who have, can certainly understand the pain involved.  Ouch!!  I remember quoting "well, the first two weeks are living hell and then you start to recover."  I'm still within those two weeks so haven't been able to sit long enough at the computer or concentrate enough to get much done.

It's a rough summer for we Hepler folk as Don has had some TIA or heart problems so seems to be at the doctor more often than me.  Until they discover why he gets light headed or dizzy, I'm afraid to let him go out to do housewatch chores in this intense summer heat.   He's been going out to do a few but we are a little behind on our schedule.  We'll get it all done but we're both a little slow.  This too shall pass.  (we hope!)

Here are some pictures Don brought home this week.  It looks like some major water line work being done on Cole Circle near Mica and Cobalt Lane.

There is also a nice sized "pond" on fairway #7 which we assume is residue from the main break.  It certainly isn't from a recent rain storm!  Don stopped and talked with Ken at the front gate.  Ken said the ducks are having a wonderful time on their new playland.

I haven't been out of the house so that's all the news for this briefing.  I've heard from a couple folks that the summer meals are still great!  In the meantime, I certainly have little Scooter to keep me entertained.

An open drawer is an open invitation.  

Scooter tries to help Don fill the ice machine for me.

Why the two of them like to cuddle up on top of an end table, I'll not know.  Kat just tolerates the little white wizard.

Have a GREAT day!