
Friday, August 25, 2023

iPhone Tips from class

 We had a fun iPhone class again this week. One man asked a question that I had to go back and look up the answer:

QUESTION:  How do I drown out the background noise during a phone call?

ANSWER:  During a phone call in a noisy atmosphere, scroll up on your screen.  Choose mic mode.  Choose voice isolation to drown out the background noise.

Yum!  Tonight was our Chef's Dinner Special with chicken alfredo, salad, garlic bread, and delicious cheese cake for dessert.  Over 50 residents attended and we had a great time.

Thank you not only to Chef and his crew but also to our dedicated activities staff that assisted with all the serving.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Rain and a great breakfast

  Breakfast was a great success and well attended!

We told the kitchen staff to take a bow. 

We had french toast sticks, scrambled eggs, bacon, and hash brown.  


Other exciting news is that we received some actual RAIN Monday night around 7 p.m.  The storm came right at sundown making for an incredible sky.   A beautiful red sunset mixed with nice black rolling thunder clouds.  

This was our first measurable rain since March 30.  Our gauge now reads .33 of an inch.

It was a busy week with my cellphone class on Tuesday.  
It was a FUN afternoon.

Sunday, August 20, 2023

a bit of history

OMG!!  We haven't seen a forecast for below triple digits in a LONG time!  Hope it holds true.

"Red sky at morning....sailors take warning" is an old saying.  Let's see if it holds true.
It was beautiful.

Busy week ahead as I'm conducting another iPhone class on Tuesday afternoon at 1:00 in the Santan Room.  Bring your iphone and ipad and plan for about 1/1/2 hours of fun.

Wednesday morning is our first Chef's Breakfast special of french toast, bacon & eggs at 8:00.  Tickets are only $5.  Friday is Chef's dinner special of chicken alfredo, salad, garlic bread AND desert at 4:00.  We truly appreciate our summer ballroom cafe!!
Just a glance back at Palm Creek history:

I received so many comments about the "historical photos" I've posted so will continue to do so as they pop up in my Google photos.

Nice monsoon dust storm:  12-12-20

In August 2016 one of the trees along the walkway had died.  It was fascinating to watch the tree experts and see how they managed to remove the dead tree.

They just cut little pieces at a time and lowered them to the ground by ropes.

Work continues on Palm Park  

Bistro expansion  8-16-2016

Building the north wall along Cottonwood.  The city also required Palm Creek to complete and landscape the median in the center of Cottonwood.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Paving + Memories

Another HUGE project for the overall maintenance budget:  Patching the cracks and paving the streets.

First the cracks were filled and covered.

Then streets were swept free of debris

Sides were done by hand

Next came the machine to cover the rest of the street

Looks nice when it's all done.  Needs at least 24 hours before we can drive on it.

Activities treated us to a cute movie Monday afternoon....called "Poms" with Diane Keaton.  I'm glad I decided to go as it was a cute comedy with a lovely message enclosed.  

Terri and Debbie provided free popcorn!  Thank you.

 20+ customers
I didn't think fast enough to get out my camera after the film as we were all dancing to the moves before we left.  It was FUN and I imagine those same moves were going to be practiced at water aerobics the next morning.

Solar over by the pickleball area.

Google Memories posts to my account every morning.  Thought I'd show this one of adorable baby Mouse. 

Six years ago today  2014

July 2017
Adding on to the ballroom

Plus there were some good memories of watching as Palm Park was getting some fancy brick and paver work.  2014

It was a busy summer as work continued on the sports pool area.


Bistro expansion

Planting shrubs around the parking lot.


Kat and Mouse love their condo!  They can come and go through the living room window as they please.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Rummy Anyone?

 Thanks to Terri and Barb in Activities, 28 of us had a fun time at the first 3-13 rummy tournament on Friday afternoon.  In fact, we had so much fun that we decided to have a Rummy game on Sunday afternoons at 1:00 in the Adobe Room.  Rummy is a very versatile game with many versions and can be played with any number of players at a table.  Do you like to play cards?  Like to meet new people?  Come to the Adobe Room Sunday at 1:00.  No need to sign up anywhere.  We'll decide which games to play depending on the number of people who attend.

While I was out having fun at the card tables, Don was home watching the team from Rodriguez landscaping who came and washed out our gutters and downspouts and trimmed the palm trees in our front bed.  They did a great job!  

All this debris from just one downspout!

When they finished, they rinsed the whole driveway and even cleaned the debris from the street.

Wednesday was our ice cream social.  It's fun to meet with folks for a nice snack and some social time.

We kept the staff busy with dishing up the goodies.

I can't get a photo at night but the asphalt crews are out patching cracks in the streets.  Starting tomorrow we face the challenge of getting to our cars and carts and avoiding the wet asphalt.  We received a text message with the following announcement:

Starting next Monday, 8/14, the paving crew will be applying seal coat on the roads north of the tennis courts.  There are 6 phases of this paving project, and it should be completed by the end of August.  Please review the attached map to see which phase your home may be in.  The night before your street is scheduled to be worked on, please park your car on an adjacent street on the north side of the street.  Please do NOT drive on your street for 24 hours after it is sealed.  Driving on fresh oil can cause damage to your vehicle and can stain your driveway.

I just checked Weather Bug and see that we should have some relief from the heat.  It's still showing triple digits but at least its not OVER 110!!  And....there's even a slight possibility of some rain??  I'll believe it when I see it.  
