
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Electric Trike for Sale

I've been ON again, OFF again on selling the cool electric trike Don bought for me.  It's really a nice machine and I get compliments on it whenever I ride............but it's just not what I've been looking for.

We also picked this bike because of the huge basket on the back where I could take our cats for a ride.  Whoops.  Forgot to ask the cats if they would like that.  We rapidly found out that they do NOT want to ride back there.  Thought I might get arrested for animal cruelty so immediately brought them home when they started to howl.  I've seen so many cute dogs proudly riding with their owners but it may be a no if you have cats.

Therefore, the bike is officially for sale.  We purchased it on line for $1600 but are willing to sell it for $950 just to move it along.  Give us a call and come take it for a test ride.  Or email:

We're at Site 1707 on Starry Night Lane just east of the shuffleboard courts.  You can read all the specs and information at the company website:

Saturday, March 27, 2021

April News & Events

The April calendar was just published.  No more home cooked meals but sounds like a couple food trucks will visit.

Summer hours go into effect as of April 5.  No more Saturday mail delivery.

Here come the warm temperatures.  Many of our seasonal guests are packing suitcases to head home.


TAKE UP A NEW ENJOYABLE HOBBY. As the seasons change, now wold be a great time to take up a new hobby that will get you outdoors in a safe environment and put a smile on your face. Learn to fly model airplanes for FREE. Everything is provided including an Academy of Model Aeronautics certified instructor, the airplane and duel controls to make things easier to learn. The Casa Grande RC Flyers field is only 15 minutes from Palm Creek and all lessons take place at their award winning facility. Just e-mail us at to be put in contact with one of the club's eight certified flight instructors. Details about their facilities can be found on the club web site: This FREE offer is open to both man and women. Membership in the Academy of Model Aeronautics or the Casa Grande RC Flyers is NOT required to participate.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Dinner, Blue Sky, New Houses

Wow!  Robin and her crew cooked us up a GREAT meal last night with Cornish hen, yummy rice, cooked carrots, a side salad, and a roll.  It was really good and done to perfection.

This will probably be the last of our cooked dinners for the summer as staff members drift back to their other homes.  I hope we can draw in some food trucks over the summer months as it's always fun to have a fresh meal delivered.

What a beautiful day!  It was a pleasure just to watch the puffy clouds pass overhead.

Contrast that ultra blue sky with the lush green of the golf course.

These new model homes are coming in one after the other.
I admire the skill of the drivers bringing these monster homes through the gates.

Unhook the truck and hook up the robot for working in such close quarters.

Both pieces now in place.

.....and here comes the next one.

That north section is really going to look different when you return this fall.


One more chalk drawing from the Koch's grandkids.  It brings a smile every time I pass by.


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Our Swimming Pools

Our FOUR swimming pools here in Palm Creek are awesome.  What does it take to maintain them and keep them in such pristine condition?

I spent time with Scott Venegas while he was working at the main pool.  His day starts at 5:30 a.m. so he can get the pool cleaned up by opening time at 7:30.

Scott is responsible for the main pool.  Eddie Hubert does the Cottonwood pool, Ingo does the Sports pool and Bill maintains the north pool.  Each of these men are Pool & Spa certified after taking a two day course in Mesa.  This schooling teaches a lot about the chemistry of maintaining a healthy pool.

Scott demonstrated how he tests the water quality by dipping in a test strip and comparing the colors to a chart.

Next we visited inside the pump house.  All this equipment needed for one pool.

This is a sand filter for the hot tub

There are four heaters to control the warmth throughout the pool.  Ideal temperature should be 86 for the pool and 104 for the spa.

Automatic feeding system for the chemicals.

Sand filters for the pool.

Here is how chlorine is added to the water.  Tablets get dropped into the system.

Water quality needs to be checked closely as it changes dramatically with people entering the pool with their suntan lotion, deodorant, hairspray, etc.  There is also contamination from our feathered friends who may deposit in the water.  On a windy day there are many more variations from the leaves and plants around the pool area.  Our desert dust comes from open farm fields with the fertilizers and herbicides included.

This portable filter vacuums the bottom of the pool with a long plastic hose.  Water is flushed through the filter inside the machine.  Afterward comes the tedious task of cleaning the filter.

This long pole attaches to the base of the vacuum to steer it where needed.

The long hose is stored in the storage box near the pool.

We also have these robot vacuums.  The rangers put the robots in the pools at closing time so they can vacuum all night long. 

Down on hands and knees to scrub and sterilize the ramp and tiles along the edge.  Ouch!

A long handled net is used to scoop up stray leaves and debris that didn't get caught in the filters.

It's not just the pool itself but the whole area surrounding the pool that gets special attention every morning.  Our pool attendants sweep and wash the pool deck, rearrange and wash all the furniture and keep the area pristine.  All the chairs and tables are arranged neatly for another day of fun for our guests.

Here's Eddie Hubert finishing up at the Cottonwood pool as he rinses and rearranges the furniture.  Eddie is the mechanic who maintains and repairs the  filters and heaters for each of the pools.

If you happen to meet any of our pool staff, be sure to thank them for their dedicated service.  

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Drone the new houses

So many new houses being installed.

Every year I post a photo where Jim and Kathleen's grandchildren come to chalk their driveway.  The "kids" are all grown up now so their artwork is better.  It's always fun for me to see the results of their masterpiece.

Friday, March 19, 2021

A bit of hope

There may be light on the horizon and hope that this Covid crisis will soon dissipate.  Here is the letter we received in our mailboxes this week.

If you can't expand the print, it basically announces that the Fitness Center will re-open at 50% occupancy and the indoor classrooms can start to be reserved and used once again.  The Pro-Shop and Sales Office will also be open for walk-in service.  Sounds like Arizona is coming out of the dark cloud.  

Don and I drove out to the Promenade Mall so took some pictures of the new Hideout Steakhouse.  It is right outside the Harkins Theater where that Japanese restaurant used to be.  Looks like plenty of outdoor seating.

Came across this cute little determined petunia struggling to grow where the wind had planted it.

See how tiny he is planted in the crack at the end of a driveway.  There are no petunia plants nearby so this tiny little seed did quite some traveling to get there.

March and April bring us some of our best Arizona weather.  Take a look at this 10-day forecast.  It looks just about perfect.

Not much action from the cats this morning so took a photo of them "at rest".

Have a GREAT day!