Link: Westerns On Line
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Hey Sue...Where's your hubby?? Haven't seen him much this season. Why isn't Don out flying the drone? I hear these questions frequently and the answer is: "Locked away at his computer." He has recaptured his urge to write so is back writing novels and creating a website to advertise his books. Check on his accomplishments so far:
Paperback Writer
Sunday night brought us another FUN concert with the "Paperback Writer" performance. What fun to hear all our old favorites from yesteryear. It was obvious that the audience knew all the words to the songs.
A change of costumes brought back Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club.
Here's a link to their website:
Whatever will the young hard rock and rap folks be singing when they're in their 70s???
Sunday, February 24, 2019
History from Main Pool
Don and I drove past the main pool this morning and stopped for a couple pictures. We commented on how the vegetation along the south wall of the pool area has grown and filled in beautifully. It is really nice compared to staring at just a plain brick wall.
We both remember when this was first being planted in May of 2013.
Mahjong Party, Car Show, Upcoming RC event
Our belated Mahjong Valentine party was a huge success even if it was delayed a week due to the quilt show using our room! We had 21 tables of players so it was definitely an excellent turnout.....and there was enough delicious food to feed an army. We played some fun games to distribute door prizes and had a "traveling" gift for anyone who successfully landed a concealed hand. (You have to be a Mahj player to understand that sentence.) 😼
Congratulations are definitely due to Marion Nelson and her crew for a very successful car show on Saturday!! We've had record rainfall for the last several days so it would have been easy to cancel the show....especially when the set up crew worked in the rain on Friday to get things ready.
We awoke Saturday to a blue sky, warm sun, and a lovely day for the car show. By carefully lining up the cars in the parking lot instead of the soggy wet grass of palm park, the day was still a great success. Hopefully the surge of rain and cold is over for a while. Although....we shouldn't really complain about 50 degree temps when the rest of the country was suffering with frigid temps and nasty blizzards.
You might want to add an event to next Saturday's calendar by going out to the Casa Grande Remote Control Airfield to attend their big show. Our Palm Creek RC fans have moved all our equipment to this new airfield.
Saturday, March 9, 9:00-1:00
Monday, February 18, 2019
December '63
Our concert entertainment has been fantastic this year. Each show seems to outdo the last one...especially with December 63 which we saw last night! Very entertaining and awesome music from yesteryear.
(I'm waiting for You Tube to post my video. Check back in a day or so.)
One of the entertainers pulled Sherri Jinks from the audience. She was a good sport for her role in the antics.
The group must have endless hours of rehearsals and practice in order to get all the vocal parts and dance steps to perfection. It was certainly a FUN show!!
(I'm waiting for You Tube to post my video. Check back in a day or so.)
One of the entertainers pulled Sherri Jinks from the audience. She was a good sport for her role in the antics.
Her husband, David, certainly enjoyed watching!
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Quilt and Wood Shop Show
WOW!!! It's absolutely amazing to see the talent we have at Palm Creek. It took all morning to tour through the shows today to see all the artistry.
The sewing group dedicates so much time and energy for our community.
The auction was standing room only.
The sewing group dedicates so much time and energy for our community.
The quilt show is quite special because of all the work involved in decorating the room. All the little tables and displays really added to the ambiance of the event.