
Friday, March 30, 2018

QOV and Happenings Announcement

Congratulations to "Mac" McCloskey for being the recipient of a Quilt of Valor from our devoted Quilters.  

What better way to celebrate with Mac than at the poker tables with all his friends.


This article will appear in the April Happenings newsletter.  This will be the best way to stay informed about the upcoming season, ticket sales, and events.  

Here is a link to the Palm Creek website where newsletters appear.  Mark it in your favorites!!

Every Wednesday morning, all season long, there is a dedicated group of volunteers who teach beginners the fundamentals of Texas Hold'em and Omaha poker.  They've had many students this past season and celebrate their classes by holding a free tournament.

Here's a photo of the instructors and the winners of that tournament.  Congratulations!

1st place:  Betty Wold
2nd Place Glenda Wohldmann

Speaking of tournament winners:  I'd be remiss if I didn't mention our Mahjong players that attended a tournament at Mission Royale last week.  We had a GREAT time and quite a few of us were in the cash!  Our group plans to conduct several tournaments ourselves next season.

By the way....there is no "end of season" for Mahjong.  We will continue to play ALL summer long!

Springtime is upon us.  We see prickly pear cactus and yucca plants starting to bloom.
This plant at site 1723 looks really nice.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Parrotdise Indeed

What a BEAUTIFUL day for a party!!!
Good food.  Plenty of drinks. Good music and lots of dancing.
It looks like a GREAT  time was had by all.

Never dreamed that retirement could be this much fun!!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Bistro Pizza and Sandwiches

We got permission to enter the new kitchen at the Bistro and find out how the new system works.  Very nice!!  Most pleasant staff too.  Very friendly and seem to enjoy their work.

Enter your order at the front desk.

Mike and Merrill are there to help you.

They enter every item into the system and it prints out in detail back in the kitchen.

The slips are then taken to each station.

Pizza is custom made to your order.

I took some nice videos but am having GREAT difficulty getting them to upload to You Tube.
Try clicking on this link.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Celebrate the Life of Ed Brown

Mary Ann will be hosting a Celebration of Life for Ed Brown on Saturday, March 24th, from 1:00pm - 3:00pm in the SanTan Room. Dessert and coffee will be provided. Friends and neighbors are cordially welcome. Ed worked in the pro shop for several years, and was always there to help his wife Mary Ann with Activities Dept whatever the chore. Ed also worked at various jobs in the park including guard at back gate. Ed also loved to play Pickleball when he wasn’t working or helping his wife with those special chores that had to be done. Ed always had a smile for anyone he met.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Quilters and Sewers Luau Luncheon

I'm always complimenting the "sisterhood" of members in the Quilting and Sewing group.  Today their president, June Griepp, invited me to their monthly luncheon and surprise fashion show.

June Griepp

Table decorations and leis abound.

Yummy food catered from The Big House.

Next on the agenda was a fashion show narrated by two special ladies.

Special designs, hats, and accessories were custom made and modeled by the Hottest Hatters in Hawaii.

It was certainly a colorful event.  Many laughed till we cried.
What a FUN afternoon.

Wonder Woman Tournament

Thank you to Barb Poole and Gloria Mason for their hard work at conducting the Tuesday night women's Texas Hold'em poker games.

They came up with some creative ideas for fun evenings at the poker tables.  Tuesday night was the end of season "Wonder Woman" tournament where the winner got to don the golden crown and go home with a pocket full of cash.

First place went to Carol Wall, second was Nancy Flader, third is Lea Young

A group of men were recruited to be dealers for the night.  All were dressed in dress shirts, sleeve garters, green visors, and bow ties.  Aren't they a handsome lot!

Intense competition.

Thursday, March 08, 2018


The tennis club is really an active social group.  They raised almost $3000 for the cancer weekend.

Photo submitted by President, Glenn Carter

The Casa Grande RC club is welcoming visitors to their big show this weekend.  All of the equipment from our airfield was donated to this new group.

Here's a typical early morning for me.  Online newspaper, fresh hot coffee, and a furry cat to keep me company.

OMG!  Don ordered a 24 oz. prime rib at the Black Angus this week.  I think he was a carnivore in his earlier life.

Yes.....he ate the whole thing including the baked potato and a salad.

Have you stopped by the ponds lately?  The koi and catfish are definitely growing.