
Friday, June 30, 2017

Gate Announcement

Just a notice to everyone here that the north gate will be closed on Tuesday, July 4, due to the holiday.  All other days will be on the normal summer construction schedule of 5:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Summer Update

It must definitely be mating season for the woodpeckers.  They land on the windowsills around the buildings and rat-a-tat at their reflections.  We also see them occasionally rat-a-tatting on the side of a house as we make our rounds each day.  

The two major species here are the Acorn Woodpecker

and the Gila Woodpecker

The Gila Woodpecker becomes very determined and can do some considerable damage when he wants to.  I took these photos a couple years ago.

Ballroom Construction continues as we hear the loud rat-a-tat-tat of jackhammers as they drill up concrete and dig to make footings for the new support beams.  I didn't don a hardhat today but just peeked through the fence to watch.

Outside, they are digging trenches for the footings.

That concludes my post for today.  I seem to be summoned for play duty with Mouse.  LOL


Monday, June 26, 2017

Berm progress (2nd post today)

It is now three hours since my last post.  Just for the heck of it, we hopped in the cart and took a ride over to see how far they had gotten on leveling out that huge berm at the north 40.  WOW!  They are working hard and fast!

This video helps portray how hard those tonka trucks are working as you watch their wheels spin.

On the way, we spotted Jim Sabia unloading the Monday mail.  He drives to the post office each day to pick up our deliveries.  Thank you to ALL the folks in the mail room who keep our mail boxes full.

Here's another pile of debris from the palm trees.

Hot week

Yes, we're definitely in the throes of summer with routine triple digits.  I'm receiving daily emails from you readers who are in cooler climates who now brag about your weather.  I guess that's payback for all the times I brag about our paradise.  LOL

With the hot temps, we do have pure blue sky with NO clouds to block the sun.  Yesterday though we saw a few clouds on the horizon.  Maybe that means we'll soon see some monsoon activity??  Suzette Taylor was so excited to see a cloud for a change that she sent a picture for you.  Thank you, Suzette.

Ground leveling has definitely moved to the south end of the "north 40".  Today's challenge is the big berm that was built up along this edge.  

Two earth movers, a big grader, and two water trucks are on the job.

Awesome to sit and watch.

Wow.  They took out all the sidewalk and another big chunk of the parking lot in preparation for the ballroom expansion.


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Mouse at Play

We liked the name "Shadow" but we always wind up calling her "Mouse" so that's her name now.  She squeaks like a mouse because she's too little to meow and she scurries across the room or hides around corners like a mouse.  Since there's no action in the construction zones, you're stuck looking at pictures of our new kitten.

Saturday we had to take Mouse back to the shelter for her first shot.  She weighed in at a whopping 1.6 pounds.

The laser light is her favorite toy.  Or should I say it's MY favorite toy??

This one is "Mouse" vs mouse.

Some folks say they can't open my videos from here at the blog site so I will also include a link to the YouTube page where the videos are stored.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

North 40 Progress

From the street level, we just see the big tonka trucks going back and forth but an aerial view shows it quite differently.  We can see the beginnings of the streets now.  Don was out at 5:45 this morning to get some drone footage before the temperature got too high.  Can't fly over 104 degrees.

We watched Pasqual picking up the dried palm fronds yesterday.  I took a series of photos and then automated them.  Aren't cameras fun these days??!

Our landscape crew is clearing out the weeds, algae, and muck from the creeks.

The ducks are loving it!  They're nestled down in the wet weeds to help keep them cool.

I took this photo yesterday while checking a house for Ray and Cheri Norsted.  Look at the great project Ray created in our glass shop.  Great job!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


I guess the big news from here is our heatwave and beginning of monsoon season.  

All work crews begin their day around 5:00 a.m. at the first sign of daylight.  Can you blame them?  The afternoon sun and heat is quite intense.

We have to take "DJ" (drone) out in the early morning as well because all the warning labels and instructions broadcast that the machine won't fly in temperatures over 104.  The airlines even had to cancel over 40 flights for today due to excessive heat.  

We just did a short flight over the north 40 this morning.  You can see the beginning of the roads now as they're etching them into the dirt.  Don does all the video editing as you may have guessed.

I think the big earth movers will start to focus on the south end of the area soon.  They really have their work cut out for them here because of all the BIG mounds and berms.  We tried to get a "before" picture for you.

Lots of activity up by the pro shop too.

The concrete footings are poured for the new pro shop.

Monday morning was coffee and donuts time and today is Tapas Tuesday (happy hour) where folks gather for some social time.  I wasn't there for photos, however, as I'd rather stay home with our new kitten.  LOL  She is soooo entertaining. 

Quite a few readers submitted names for kitty.....thank you.  Because of the white paws, most suggested Boots, Mittens, or Socks.  We chose "Shadow" however as she absolutely IS Don's shadow.  She follows him all around the house and has obviously adopted him as her protector.  

Afternoons are siesta time for both of them.  I think Don is a little offended, however, in that she always picks the "shelf" provided by his tummy.  LOL


Sunday, June 18, 2017

New Family Member

Don and I went to the Valley Humane Society yesterday..................just to look around and tour the facility.
Now say hello to our newest family member!

The folks at the shelter called her one of the "box kittens" because they were found in a box alongside the road.  Estimated age of 5 weeks old.

There were soooooo many cute kittens that needed loving homes.  When Don put his hand next to one of the cages, this little girl reached out and pulled his hand closer.  That's all it took.  No name yet but we'll keep you posted.