
Wednesday, September 30, 2015


These huge double load dump trucks keep coming through bringing more fill for the roads.

New houses are still coming in so Blount's assembly crews are very very busy.

The houses arrive in two pieces so the first chore is to peel off all the protective coating on the open sides.

Then its a matter of pushing the pieces together.

Take the tires off.

Seal the roof lines.

Shimmering Desert is growing.

The new sidewalks will be much appreciated.  

Landscaping crews are still trimming in addition to reseeding the front 9.

There's new sidewalk and a crossing at the 4-way stop too.  Very nice!

Thatching and reseeding on the front nine.  Achoo......,

Fence looks complete around the new dog park at the south pavilion.

Prepping for more sidewalk to get poured.

Hi Ho Hi Ho ... it's off to work we go.

The city insisted on continuing the street here for fire truck access.

All the tonka toys were really busy again.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Eclipse Parties

T'was the night of the red moon full eclipse and we "creekers" were all out to enjoy the sight.  The pool and the sports complex were popular gathering spots.

Great Photo by Ken Wolf

The full moon still shone bright this morning.

Eddie found this little parakeet and is looking for someone to care for it.  Swimmers also reported that this little guy had fallen in the pool and was rescued by our residents.  Anyone lose a parakeet?

Other news of interest:  Barb Poole (the new special events coordinator) and her sidekick, Glo Mason are active in a world-wide cancer awareness program so lined up several volunteers to pose for publicity shots.

Our Pegs and Jokers gals (affectionately known as "Peg Witches" ) enjoyed a Sunday party at Suzette Taylor's house.  Three cheers for the pumpkin rum pudding!

Check out the cool pottery piece.  It would, of course, be much better with the green and gold for the Packers but this was cute also.  

Morning rounds through Phase 3 show more houses and more holes being dug.

The trench for the electrical lines along the new courts is now filled in.

Work continues building the brick walls surrounding the courts.

Some of the new streets have been poured but then the rains came so we have to wait till the ground dries out before finishing the work.

While driving through the area, we met Jerry and Lorraine Walden (with Tipper) who just purchased 2014 and are in the process of moving in as full time residents.  Welcome!

The extended RV pads have been poured over in the south side.

New sidewalks are still being poured.

The next two photos show the location for the new restrooms and showers.

Second building doesn't show up well as that shed was in my way.