
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Almost ready to move in

A few weeks ago, the goal was to move into the newly remodeled offices by Labor Day.  Congratulations to the construction staff and crew as it appears that they have reached their goal.
There is a WOW factor as you enter through the front doors.  Take a look at the guest services area.
Our General Manager's office is receiving some furniture.
The library is nearing completion.  A big Thank You goes to the volunteers who restocked all those shelves!

The Activities Office looks great with the newly painted counters.
Now our maintenance crew is clearing all the equipment out of the ballroom so the floor can be completely redone.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Tuesday, September 9
7:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Santan Room


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wildlife Update

We had a wonderful thunderstorm last night with almost a full inch of rain.  This morning the cool air felt great!
Our rounds were exciting as we found lots of wildlife around the park.
Some had feathers............

The green heron was fishing for breakfast.
Some had fur.....
This feral kitty cat was resting peacefully on a car by Joe & Bev Guidinger (Site 1282).
Some had armor.........
This praying mantis watched us closely as we inspected the house belonging to Ben & Margie Blissett at 1780.

Over on the non-pet side of the park, we observed two roadrunners up on someone's patio.  They should be on a leash! 
Closer inspection showed that one was basically a young chick whose feather's hadn't even smoothed out yet.
Momma was not leaving its side.  She looked like she was having a bad hair day with her comb standing straight up like that.
PRESBYTERIAN: When you rearrange the letters:BEST IN PRAYER
ASTRONOMER: When you rearrange the letters:MOON STARER
DESPERATION:When you rearrange the letters:A ROPE ENDS IT
When you rearrange the letters:
When you rearrange the letters:

When you rearrange the letters:
DORMITORY:When you rearrange the letters:DIRTY ROOM

When you rearrange the letters:
ELECTION RESULTS:When you rearrange the letters: LIES - LET'S RECOUNT
SNOOZE ALARMS: When you rearrange the letters: ALAS! NO MORE Z 'S
A DECIMAL POINT: When you rearrange the letters:I'M A DOT IN PLACE
THE EARTHQUAKES: When you rearrange the letters:THAT QUEER SHAKE
ELEVEN PLUS TWO: When you rearrange the letters:TWELVE PLUS ONE


Potluck Dinner

Yum!  Potluck dinner for Monday evening.  All the best cooks and chefs in the country must reside at Palm Creek as a potluck dinner here is always sensational.  It doesn't make for very exciting photographs but it is certainly fun being there in person to enjoy the food and the company.
Thank you to the Activities and Special Events folks who set this up for us.  We love summer fun!
A photo of the main table would look a lot nicer if I would get there BEFORE dinner was served.  Lots of delicious food.........and the dessert table was just as long as this one.
After dinner some folks headed to the main pool for water volleyball and some of us retired to the north pool for more of a comfort swim.  Then to add to the enjoyment of all that.............later we had a beautiful thunder storm with almost a full inch of precious rain.
I sacrificed my coffee time on the patio this morning so I could get all this posted.  There doesn't seem to be enough hours in a day.  Haven't even started on today's adventure yet so there may be more later.

Remodeling Update

Peggy Brown emailed me this photo and wrote "Look at my new friend".  At first I thought she was referring to that cute frog statue......but then I looked closer and zoomed in on the "friend".
Awwww....isn't he cute!! 

Peggy and Glen (Site 1938) had a busy day as later this road runner was spotted up on their patio.
Today's tour was lovely at a nice cool 78 degrees.  I think fall may be in the air.  Landscapers are still trimming.

Good news for the remodeling.  Bob Davidson was the first to play in the newly remodeled pool room.

Amber was busy over in the sales office.

Eddie from our maintenance staff is busy refinishing doors for the newly remodeled offices.

Meet Victoria.  She will be greeting you at the guest services office as you arrive.

Construction continues at the storage shed for the snack shack.  Nice big double doors are being installed.  Recognize his electrician?  It's "Legs". 

New granite counter tops for guest services.
Installing granite counter tops in Activities.  I asked for leftovers to be installed in my kitchen but I don't hold out a lot of hope.  :)
Bonnie and Roger Koons are restocking the shelves in our newly remodeled library.  These are the same shelves we had before but now they're all freshly painted.
 Thank you for your contribution of time and labor!
Installing the counter for the computer area.
The case at the front of the room will be lighted so trophies and special projects can be kept on display.
Larry Gray and Bob Davidson are happy to be back at the pool table.
Looks like they found more doors for Eddie.
Kitchen remodeling is underway.