
Monday, November 17, 2008

Welcome Back

Sunday was the annual Welcome Home party for Palm Creek residents and visitors. What a great event! Volunteers from every club and social activity set up a table advertising their activities so we could all walk around and visit with each group to learn about their events. It was so nice to learn more about some of the activities that we normally wouldn't come across. The weather was nice and warm but windy so it was a challenge to keep displays in place. A hearty congratulations goes to all those who participated.

There was another display area that stole my heart. They brought samples of all the critters indiginous to Arizona including several snakes, lizards, scorpions, tarantulas.....and the star of the attraction was a desert tortoise. I was astonished when I got a close up of this it appears to have been hit by a car at one time. His shell has been plastered back and he has an "artificial limb" where he lost a leg. He travels all over the lawn munching fresh grass and seems to get along just fine. How awesome!!

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